Get Away

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I stare at myself in the mirror. I am so proud of myself. Tonight went so well. I also finally got Kylo's approval with how well I handled myself and all of their questions. Hearing him praise me made me weak in the knees.

I press my thighs together as I keep staring at my reflection. I feel the slickness between my thighs still pooling in my panties from the elevator ride. I have never been kissed like that before in my life. The passion was enough to fuel a thousand fires. He set my flesh to flames with each touch. I never wanted something so bad the moment his lips crashed into mine.

I hear the bedroom door open so I step out of the bathroom. I turn to see Kylo standing there with the bedroom door shut. My heart flutters seeing him with my thoughts racing through my mind.

Kylo chews his lip, "Would you like to get away?"

"Get away?" I step closer to him.

He nods, "Like a vacation or something?"

I shake my head laughing, "I have only been working for you the last month. I figured I would need to put in at least a year before I received any vacation time."

Kylo lets the ghost of a smirk appear on his lips, "Not in this line of business, Angel. Is there anywhere you would like to go?"

I pause, thinking, "Actually, yeah. I promised my mom I would still come home after New Year's."

"What about for New Year's?" Kylo looks nervous.

My eyebrows scrunch in confusion, "New Year's is in two days."

He nods, "Would you like that?"

I smile, "I would really enjoy that honestly."

Kylo nods again, "Good, we leave tomorrow morning."

"We?" I tilt my head, shocked.

He ignores my confusion and pulls out two suitcases from his closet, "I am taking you to Michigan on my private plane."

I feel my jaw drop, "Private plane?"

He grunts, "Mhm, you'll get to meet Poe, my private pilot."

I watch Kylo fill his suitcase with several outfits and shoes, "You're coming with me? I usually stay at my parent's house when I visit. Otherwise, it feels like I am a stranger while I am there."

"I need a break and I think this would be nice." Kylo counts out socks and ties, "I also have a separate trip planned for when we leave your parents."

My cheeks blush at his words, "Uh, okay. One problem. I don't think they will let a strange older man stay at their house who is their daughter's boss."

Kylo finally pauses to think, "I can stay in the car. It's fine."

I laugh out loud, "I think that's even creepier, Kylo."

He shrugs, "I'm not letting you out of my sight so take it or leave it."

"They wouldn't object to a boyfriend spending the night," I walk closer to Kylo.

Kylo freezes as he is zipping the suitcase, "Boyfriend?"

"We can pretend you're my boyfriend for a couple of days just while we are around them," I sit on the bed, "then we can go back to normal when we leave."

Kylo meets my eyes, "Okay, if you're fine with that."

I smile, "I am perfectly okay with that, boyfriend."

He looks away, not responding to me. I drop my smile and roll my eyes, standing.

"What should I pack for this trip?" I open my suitcase.

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