One Drink

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**WARNING** (Mentions of Attempted Sexual Assault)

**If you in ANY WAY do not feel comfortable with brief mentions of SA, please skip this chapter and the next chapter which features Kylo's POV. I do not take this topic lightly but am confident I portrayed it correctly. Thank you.

**Do not worry, Kylo ALWAYS consents because he is a decent human being. This is NOT about Kylo.

The club is packed. The line to get in wraps around the entire building. Thankfully, Kylo texted me earlier saying he got me in and just to use his business card with the bouncer. Ana is standing outside with the entire office in line.

I hop out of the car and smile, "Thanks, Clyde."

"My pleasure, Ms. Steele." He smiles and watches me walk to the group of my friends before pulling around back and parking.

Clyde, one of the security guards, told me he would be parked in the back if I needed anything. I feel better knowing that all of Kylo's security team carries a gun at all times and is trained to handle many situations. Plus, Clyde is hot in his red flannel and jeans to blend in with the crowd if necessary.

"Hey, gorg!" Ana waves me down as I approach her.

"Hi!" I hug her and greet the rest of the group.

I recognize Damon, Kai, Trent, Jamie, Ella, Henry, Skye, and more. I lock eyes with Josh just as he waves at me. I smile, not wanting to give him too much attention.

I announce to the group, "I actually got us in thanks to Mr. Ren. He said Merry Christmas!"

Everyone cheers and follows me to the front door. Two large grey eyes with blue eyeshadow are painted across the building's entrance. I approach the bouncer, handing him Kylo's business card. He nods and steps aside, letting the entire group in.

We walk in and immediately start dancing as we walk. The music is loud and amazing. The DJ is across the room towards the back. The bar is off to the right of the room and lounges with couches are off to the left. The disco ball would be cheesy anywhere else but it gives such good vibes here. There are women walking around topless, serving free drinks. I promised Kylo that I would only have one drink so I stay true to my word and avoid the free drinks.

We all walk over to the lounge that Kylo rented us. It is in the back, closest to the DJ. Everyone either sits or stands and talks or dances.

A cocktail waitress walks over, "Any special drinks, ladies?"

Ana shouts over the music, "Long Island, please!"

The waitress looks over to me and I hold up two fingers, ordering the same thing. If I can only have one drink for now, I am making sure it is strong and delicious and Ana ordered the perfect drink for that.

"How is work?" I lean close to Ana so we can talk.

She leans against me, "I miss you there! Otherwise, peaceful now that you're gone."

I laugh, more than I had in weeks, "You're welcome!"

"How is your new position?" She holds my hand in her lap.

"It's going good! Tough at first but hopefully I will catch on soon." I don't lie to Ana; I just don't tell her the complete truth.

Ana leans closer, "I know you will! I have never seen anyone take on so many different job titles in five years like you did."

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