Christmas Eve

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The following week is a literal bore. I barely see Kylo since he is constantly gone and off doing work or whatever else he does. I swear that man never sleeps. My feet have definitely gotten better to where I can walk now. My head is slowly healing but it will take a little longer for the bruising to clear up. The only entertainment I have right now is Kylo's gorgeous balcony. It has an entire pool that runs along the entirety of his floor. One end even has a Jacuzzi built in. I haven't been able to get in since it is freezing outside and my feet have been preventing me from doing anything fun but I have enjoyed sitting out there in the sun and reading next to the pool until my fingertips and nose turn numb from the cold wind.

Phasma has stopped by several times this week to check on me and my injuries. I still have my feet wrapped but she said I can take it off tonight or tomorrow. It's really whatever I am comfortable with. I really enjoy her company. She has taken so much time out of her day to constantly call or stop by and see how I am feeling. I was shocked to see her at first since she is so tall. She is a medium build and is very pretty in my opinion. She has short blonde hair and pale as can be. Her professional mannerism slips when around me and I adore it. I think deep down; she knows I need a friend more than a doctor now.

I miss her when she leaves because that is the majority of human contact I have had last week. I haven't seen any of the other men since I have been here. I hope it's because Kylo told them not to see me instead of them hating me and avoiding me.

I have been in contact with Ana, lying to her still. She pushes to meet me and pushes for answers but I keep avoiding her and her questions. I know soon I will have to see her but I am hoping to push it off until my head heals.

I have called and talked to my mom. I told her I was promoted in my job and it has basically taken over my life. In a way, that isn't a lie. She tells me her and dad have been good, staying busy. I am relieved to hear their life is still normal while mine is spiraling. I tell her I can probably come and visit after the New Year's like I always do. I will have to ask Kylo about that.

I have been thinking of Ap'lek a lot. I would have considered him a friend before everything happened. He was the only one in the group that had been nice to me from the beginning. I shouldn't have been so defensive towards him when he was just trying to help me understand my situation. I miss him the most out of everyone, besides Kylo. My heart aches as I think of how Ap'lek tried to stop me from leaving. If I had listened, I wouldn't have almost died in an abandoned house by a stranger I thought I knew. I hope his feet were better than mine. I want to talk to him but I don't have a way to get a hold of him.

I should go looking for him. I'm going to be bored for the rest of the night and I haven't heard from Kylo since yesterday so maybe this would be a good time to look around for Ap'lek.

I slowly walk downstairs from Kylo's bedroom and head to the elevator. I take it down to Ap'lek's main floor, 59. The elevator opens to reveal a dark floor.

"Ap'lek?" I call out.

I am only met with silence. I allow the elevator to close and press the floor beneath this one, 58. The elevator opens and reveals a dark room. I step out and look around. Automatic lights kick on to reveal a large gym. There are easily over twenty machines against the walls with separate weights sporadically placed.


No one responds so I step back in the elevator and try the next floor, 57. I step out of the elevator and onto the next floor. It is dimly lit and I fall in love with what I find...

I am met with bookshelves taller than me. The shelves are a dark mahogany wood that are filled with books of all types. I step deeper into the room and I read some of the titles as I walk by. I turn left towards the dim light and spot feet with black socks on, propped up on a small table at the end of the aisle of books.

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