Liar - Kylo's POV

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I grip the railing, focusing my eyes on the bathroom across the room. Fett comes up to my side, handing me a drink. I take it from him with a small nod, keeping my stare locked on the bathroom door I just watched her and Vicrul disappear behind.

Fett leans against the rail, looking down at his dance floor, "I heard you turned down the idea of merging with Enzo."

I take a long sip of the bourbon before saying, "Postponed it until next year. It was a mutual agreement between Chew, Kit, Palp, and I."

Fett nods and continues, "When do you expect to have answers regarding Dooku and his trades?"

My shoulders stiffen and I sigh when I see Vicrul and Scarlett exit the bathroom, "Soon."

She looks up at me and her eyes never leave mine as she makes her way through the crowd. My stomach tightens, knowing she is heading back up to the lion's den.

Fett watches her as well, "Are you delaying for her sake?"

I finally peel my eyes away once I see her walk up the stairs, heading towards me, "It is strictly for my sake. No one else's."

Fett nods and finishes his glass, "Good. Anything other than that is irresponsible."

I nod once, actually agreeing with him on this. He carries on with recent rumors between Dooku and Grievous. He makes snide remarks on their trades in the past, how they have been snakes and fucked over everyone before. He talks of things I already know, leaving my mind to wander to Scar. I tune Fett out, nodding here and there, while I focus my hearing behind me. I hear Hux approach Scarlett who is sitting right behind me now.

Hux speaks first, "Back so soon?"

She doesn't respond, good girl.

Hux continues, "I've heard he is a wild one. So wild that some girls leave differently from how they arrived."

I bite back a laugh. If only Hux knows that rumor applies to all of my men. Only Vic makes it known, pride in his destruction.

Scarlett retorts, "I am merely for his entertainment."

I swallow, throat on fire from the straight liquor I just sipped.

I can practically hear Hux's smirk, "Spoken like a true toy."

Flexing my fist, I glance subtly over my shoulder. Hux's eyes roam over the entirety of her body, trying to leave nothing to his imagination.

I grind my teeth as Scarlett responds, "Yes, sir."

His smirk widens, "Enjoy that trip to Michigan and Hawaii? How were the parents?"

My stomach twists, knowing exactly what he is trying to do. I cut Fett off, thanking him for his hospitality and tell him that I will be in touch with him shortly with more information. I cross the room to kiss Bazine goodbye and round up my men, heading back to Scarlett.

Hux twirls the champagne in his glass, pretending to be innocent with his question, "Will you be heading back once Enzo finds out you are home again?"

Scarlett stiffens as I grip her shoulder tightly, "Hux, we must be going."

His eyes do not leave Scarlett's as if checking to make sure she understood his question. His eyes flick up to meet me before he stands to shake my hand, "It was a pleasure, Solo. I see the fuss over this one."

I dip my head; the only action I can manage without moving to punch him in the face. I'd kill to wipe that smug look clean off that hideous face right now. I make sure Vic has a hold of Scarlett before I turn, heading down the stairs and out of the building. I get into my usual seat, watching Ap'lek get in the driver's side. The scrape of Scarlett's dress against the seat behind me lets me know I can breathe.

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