Little Birdie

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Last week was rough. I had locked myself in the room after Kylo clearly sent a cleaning crew to his room to pick up the mess he had made. Unfortunately, there was no way for them to help me. I laid on the bed as shattered as the glass that coated his bedroom floor. They spent over two hours making sure no slivers of glass lingered behind. Once they left, I only opened my door for food from Bodhi. Kylo never once came to his room. I haven't seen him for the last week and I am glad. I don't think I could have handled seeing him after everything that unfolded last week. From the knights, the Hux slipping, Kylo's rage, and my own sudden realization of what must be done. Kylo has never lost control around me with his anger directed to me since that night his hand wrapped loosely around my neck, a collar he created for me. Claiming me and locking me here with no other options. He was truly terrifying. Several texts a day came in from the men but I barely responded, only giving them "ok" and "sure" to let them know I was in fact still alive. Odd thing is, Ap'lek has not reached out to me since that night. Has Kylo told him of my request?

Today felt different when I woke up. I decided it was time to forgive and move on. I wasn't nearly pleased with Kylo but I won't punish the other men for his selfishness. Especially if my remaining time here will be shorter than I ever imagined.

I texted all seven men to meet me in Kylo's living room by 9pm. I spent all morning wrapping their individual presents with the wrapping paper I asked Clyde from security to get once the stores opened. He did not disappoint, purchasing several types and designs, all prettier than the next.

I placed all of the presents on the table, making sure their names face outward towards the couch. The only two missing are Kylo's and Vicrul's since I already gave them theirs. I pour myself another glass of wine, truly enjoying my alone time today. I did not let my mind succumb to last week or the future all morning.

I eventually called my mom today and I told her about the amazing trip I just took to Hawaii, even if it was based on lies. I obviously left out some of the details but made sure to tell her about all the amazing food and drinks we had and how I snorkeled in the ocean with Kylo before spotting a turtle basking in the sun. She was so happy for me but then asked if he popped the question. I laughed it off when she said that would've been the best proposal moment ever and I silently thanked the Gods that he would never be a married man. It stung, the realization. He was the closest I have come to love but alas, I was wrong. I then cleaned and unpacked my things, dropping off my sandy clothes to be washed downstairs. The coarse grains against my skin took me back to the beach. The way he kissed me and made love to me until I could hardly breathe. The way he held me and protected me. The way he used to smell of sweat and the sea and me.

My breath hitches in my chest as Rita, the maid, takes the clothes from my hands with a gentle pull. The loss of the last remaining physical touch of that time startles me. It stings as much as the tears rimming my eyelids do.

Rita frowns, "Is something wrong, Ms. Steele?"

I bite my lip and quickly shake my head no, watching the sandy clothes drop into the sudsy water. With a quick turn, I rush out of the room and head back upstairs.

I now sit on the couch in my favorite cream sweater and black leggings with a blanket draped across my lap. The men should be here any minute as I watch the news on tv. Every time I see a report of crimes in the city, I wonder if Kylo or the men had any involvement in them. I wonder if I will ever see them again once I leave... Will they remember me or be glad of my absence? I just need to find the right time to leave. Hopefully, it will be when I have soothed everything over with Kylo. The elevator doors open and my stomach suddenly knots in uneasiness.

Kylo walks out first, dressed in an all-black suit. My favorite suit he owns. He stares me down as he walks towards me. I desperately want to touch him or to kiss him but on the other hand, he makes me sick. I must push myself away, create space. His eyes burrow into me and then the empty wine glass in my hands. I glare at him and he glares right back. The rest of the men follow Kylo towards the living room, "You boys are late."

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