Dead Man Walking - Kylo's POV

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Poe shakes my hand in silence before I march onto our private plane, Ap'lek, Vicrul, Cardo and Kuruk in tow behind me. Poe had already been informed by Ushar what had happened and what needs to happen.

Cardo drops the two large black duffle bags into the aisle between our seats before taking his own, "Trudgen warned that the weather is the only thing keeping Enzo in Atlanta. Once that clears, he will flee to Italy."

Poe seals the door to the plane and says, "I'll get you there before that happens."

I nod once towards Poe before he disappears into the cockpit. The plane comes to life and before I can even get myself situated in my seat, the plane is already down the runway and lifting off.

"Two hours-ish?" Kuruk asks Vic as he sits across from me.

Vicrul unzips the duffle bag closest to him, "Commercial flights take two hours and forty-eight minutes in perfect conditions. Poe will get us there in two hours clean tonight." Vicrul scans the weapons to make sure it's the right bag before kicking the second bag towards me. I unzip it and pull out my ammo and weapons. I run a checklist through my head as I count one AR-15, two G17's, one Glock 23 and 43, two S&W military grade, one K22, one Beretta 92, my rifle and multiple knives. My fingers brush over the ammo and extended clips until I grab out the small switchblade. I hold it tightly in my hand as I study it, running my thumb over the smooth, black curve of the wood before I flick my wrist. The skinny silver blade reflects all of the light surrounding it as it rests in my palm. I slide the black back into its place and tuck it into my suit pocket.

"You good?" Kuruk asks lowly as Vic and Cardo chat beside us.

I nod once as I watch the rain splatter against the small window next to me. The dark clouds are an angry gray in the night sky, small flicks of lightning in the distance is the only light up here with us. It looks just like how I feel inside.

Kuruk leans forward with his elbows resting on his knees, "Kylo, you can talk to me."

I can't even bring myself to blink. This two-hour plane ride is already threatening my sanity. I have to wait two fucking hours until I can release any bit of anger. My palms are sweaty from clenching them so tightly. My jaw is throbbing, subconsciously knowing I should unclench my jaw to prevent a migraine from coming on. The moment I feel the pang of hunger; it is overwhelmed by nausea. I feel as if I am decaying inside.

"She's safe," Vic's voice is close to me.

I glance to my left to see Vicrul sitting in the seat next to me. His eyes lock onto mine as I hold his stare. It's a rare moment when worry gleams in his eyes so I take it in, letting it fuel and feed my starvation for revenge.

"She is home and she is safe," Vicrul speaks low and slow as if I am not able to process his words.

In a way, I can't process his words. She's home but that is not her home. She is safe but she is not herself. I couldn't even hear her voice one last time. I couldn't even hold her one last time. She was so disoriented and scared and there was nothing I could do to help her. I have never felt so small and pathetic as I did standing in that room watching her. That was not my angel. I continue to stare at Vic and words fail me for the first time in my life. Taking a deep shaky breath, my chest tightens. I am utterly destroyed.

"Do you want updates on her while we are in Atlanta?" Cardo checks his phone before catching my eye.

Do I want to know how she is? Do I want to hear her struggles while I am states away, tracking her demons that I haunted her with? Am I still a fucking asshole? I shake my head once, no. No, I do not want to know what is happening back in New York. No, I do not want to listen to her struggles as I hunt down Enzo. Yes, I am still that asshole.

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