Execution - Kylo's POV

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Decimation - the killing of one in every ten of a group of people as a punishment for the whole group

Today is the day. After eight excruciating long days, tonight is the first chance I will be able to see Scarlett if she pulls off the plan. Everything rides on her being able to convince Enzo to let her attend the ball tonight. If not, I will spend every last breath of mine to get her back. If tonight fails, then I will go down trying. She deserves to be saved and deserves to be free, to live. Not me.

The fear is more exhausting than expected. Never in my life have I experienced such fear and desperation. Never have I been so angry, fury fueling my every calculated move and thought. Never have I been so ready to end it all. I have spent the last eight days watching her window. I wait every day, wondering if today is the day a crimson gown will hang from it. A red beacon. A red silent plea for help. It never came. I held my breath for the worst. Either she is still breathing or she didn't have enough time to place a dress up before he killed her. That thought alone has kept me up, eight days in a row. If anything happened to her, nothing will be able to hold me back from destroying everything and everyone in my path including myself. I will burn this fucking city to the ground.

Trudgen informed me of his plan after it had already unfolded eight days ago.

"Ren," Trudgen tried to calm me down, "I saw her with my own two eyes. See's alive."

I pace back and forth, flipping my switch blade out and back in over and over again, "She won't be for long."

Vicrul asks in a quiet tone, "Was she alright?"

Trudgen hesitated and I froze with his silence, "She had a gash on her forehead. He tossed her around a bit when I was there but otherwise, she was strong."

I remain frozen, "Tell me everything. Don't leave a fucking second out of it."

Trudgen takes a seat at the kitchen table and watches me, "They frisked me before letting me in. She is on the top floor, northeast corner window. They were eating dinner when I arrived. She was dressed in a black gown, food untouched and wine untouched. I mentioned the treaty and how he would have to uphold his bargain unless he wanted to start a war."

I turn to face him, "Treaty?"

Trudgen nods, "I claimed I did not have my turn with her. He called her kitten after threatening her true name. She must've called him a cunt because he was very displeased with her attitude even before I arrived. He was skeptical at first but allowed her to take me to her room. She immediately began to pack and I had to break the news that this was not the great escape. She cried and I forced her to undress, making it believable."

My arm automatically whirled my switchblade at him, barely missing his head as it stuck into the drywall behind him. Trudgen ducked and showed his hands, "Thank god I did because Enzo burst in as I was telling her my plan."

My shoulders heaved with every breath, "What next?"

"I told her about the ball and that it is crucial for her to go." Trudgen scrubs his head, "I also told her to hang a red dress in her window if she feels that she is in prominent danger."

Vicrul laughs loudly with no humor, "So we sit and fucking wait?!"

Trudgen nods, "For her safety, yes. He must think we are truly done with her. We surprise him at the charity event."

I ignore Vicrul who begins to protest, "Anything else?"

Trudgen hesitates, "She told me to tell you... she is sorry."

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