Faster - Kylo's POV

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**WARNING** (Mentions of Attempted Sexual Assault)

**If you in ANY WAY do not feel comfortable with brief mentions of SA, please skip this chapter. I do not take this topic lightly but am confident I portrayed it correctly. Thank you.

**Do not worry, Kylo ALWAYS consents because he is a decent human being. This is NOT about Kylo.

The meeting went amazingly well. I had high hopes for tonight. The Norte del Valle flew in from Colombia to meet with different potential traders on the east coast. I laid all my cards out tonight and he accepted. We exchanged profits, numbers, and agreements all within four hours. It really could not have been better.

I have been trying to network out of the states and this could change the game. I want more and I need more. I need to continue what my grandfather was about to do before he was killed. He gave me an amazing set up when passing this business down to me but I swore to him I wouldn't stop there. I aim to be greater than him. I aim for everyone to forget his name and only remember mine.

Ap'lek, Ushar, Vicrul and I all pile into the car and light cigars on the way home.

Vicrul laughs, "I thought Colombians were supposed to call the shots in the drug trades?"

Ushar huffs a breath, "He did raise Kylo's budget up by $500,000."

I look back at Ushar, "Small price to pay for Colombian brown sugar."

"You got a point," He laughs.

"We heading to meet Scarlett?" Vicrul takes a drag of his cigar.

I nod, "We promised her."

My phone rings, "Speak of the devil."

Everyone laughs as I answer, "Angel."

"Hey, Kylo." She sounds different.

I strain to hear her, "Is everything okay?" I glance at the navigation in the car system, "We will be there in a few minutes."

She takes a long pause, "I think so?"

I bite my tongue, not wanting to assume she broke her promise to keep it at one drink tonight until we arrived.

"Where are you right now?"

Scarlett hesitates, "I'm um, in... Oh, I'm in the girl's bathroom. I wasn't feeling good."

She sounds lost, confused. I glance to Ap'lek and nod, letting him know to floor it. He weaves through traffic as I try to listen for her answer. I put her on speaker and turn the volume all the way up.

I try to get her to focus, "What's wrong? What doesn't feel good?"

"I think I'm drunk but... I only had one drink like I promised you. Well, I think I only had one." She giggles, then stops suddenly.

"Shut the fuck up!" I turn back to Vicrul and Ushar who are talking about tonight's meeting.

I panic, knowing something is up, "Angel, baby. You need to walk out the back door and find Clyde. Can you do that for me, baby?"

She completely ignores my plea, "I like when you call me that."

I look back to Ushar and mouth to him to call Clyde and tell him to go look for her.

I focus on her, "Then I'll call you that more often but you need to focus. You need to find Clyde and tell him to take you home. Ushar is calling Clyde right now. We are so close to you baby."

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