Pain - Both POV's

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TRIGGER WARNING (Thoughts of suicide/SH)

If you or someone you know are suicidal or have thoughts of suicide - or 1(800)273-TALK(8255)

The sun appeared. I have been driving all night long, never once stopping in case they were still following me. My eyes burn as I squint at the sign ahead, "Welcome to Michigan." I speed up and ignore the honking and swerving I cause as I head home. The only thing that could help right now is my mom. She always knows what to say, what to do. Plus, if I am to turn myself over to Enzo, this could be my last time seeing her. I feel a sting in my eyes as tears threaten to spill once I turn down their street.

The snow is cleared for now, the sun melting any signs of winter away. It is the only thing I am currently grateful for right now. Although February is typically cold and snowy, I am blessed with a warmer, dry day. Their street is quiet as I pull into the drive, noticing my dad's truck missing. I check the clock to see it is just before noon. Dad should be at work but hopefully mom will be home.

I step out of the car, swinging my backpack over my shoulder. It feels light considering everything I left back at Kylo's. At least I have clothes here. I walk up the front porch stairs and gently knock on the door, remembering how our doorbell never worked and guaranteeing it will never work until the day I die.

I stood on the porch for only a few moments before the door creaked open and she gasped, "Scarlett?"

A sob escaped my lips as she opened the door further, "Mom."

"Scarlett," she grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me into the house before stopping in her tracks, "what the...?" She stares at the million-dollar car in her driveway and then my bandaged hand, "Scarlett what the hell happened?"

Another sob breaks loose from my throat and I shake, "I..." I collapse into her arms, "I thought he was the one."

The sudden realization of what I just said out loud hits me. The entire ride to Michigan, I had twelve hours to think. All twelve hours were consumed by Kylo. Although I would never tell him, I was falling in love with him. Until this very second, I didn't even allow myself to think about it. How ridiculous of me to not see it... The way I craved him. The way I wanted to be by his side every waking moment. The way I longed for his approval and his touch. The way he made me feel. The way I would watch him sleep next to me whenever my mind refused to allow me rest. He was my muse. He was my... As if a fire engulfed my lungs, I stopped breathing. It feels as if black soot is coating my airways. He was the one who forced me to partake in this life. He was the one who lied and kept things from me. He was the one who always pushed away when I got too close.

Mom catches me as I collapse to the floor, my backpack landing next to me. My world feels as if it is crashing, burning, and ending. Nothing will save me. No one will save me.

My mother smooths my hair, making me cry harder. Just last week, Kylo had smoothed my hair the same exact way. What if that was the last time he lovingly touched me? I should have at least kissed him before I left. I should have at least hugged him or done anything besides what I did. Something to remember besides the hideous fight we had. Anything besides my stubbornness and his rage, mixing to create a deadly poison. A poison so deadly that I am sure death is irrefutable with him or without him.

"Scarlett!" My mom's shout drags me out of my thoughts.

My lungs rattle when I try to inhale, unable to speak.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now