This is Real

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My legs threaten to give out as I lock eyes with Kylo. The first time I have seen him in ten days. My palms begin to sweat as I hold myself in place, not allowing my legs to run towards him. A rush of adrenaline and a wave of happiness hits me as he stares me down. His features do not light up when he watches me, almost as if I am a stranger. His face is sunken in but still beautiful. His eyes seem tired but focused despite the fact. I scan his body and suddenly notice the beautiful girl against him. Her face is perfect and sweet as she looks up at me with wide eyes. I force my stare back to the ground. I cannot handle one more heartbreak or I think I will crumble and die right here even though Enzo would never allow such a thing. My palms become slick with a hot sweat, my empty stomach gnawing at the uncomfortableness.

Kylo's voice is the sweetest thing I have heard in days as he says, "Kittens usually purr... do they not?"

Enzo stiffens in front of me but relaxes with a chuckle, "Not when they are feral." He reaches back and grips me by the back of my neck. My eyes shut as he forces me to step up beside him. I gulp, feeling the saliva painfully trickle down my throat. His grip loosens and I force my eyes back open.

My eyes inch to my left and I spot Vicrul watching the men around me. His gaze meets mine for a brief moment and he barely blinks. I force myself to look back down to my heels. Did they change their mind? Are they not rescuing me anymore? My stomach tightens and I wince as I press on it, feeling the lump under my dress. The wince causes my breath to hitch and my bruised ribs to spasm. I chew my lip and look up to the right. My eyes meet Trudgen and he stares. I stare back until he turns away to rejoin his conversation. Tears threaten to spill as I take another shaky breath. It can't be true... I forced myself to stay alive these past eight days for them to turn against me? I subtly glance over my shoulder for any other familiar face but I am only met with Enzo's men blocking my view. The feeling of suffocation slowly weighs on my chest, making it harder to breathe until I hear his voice again.

Kylo's voice is clear and calm, "Anything can be tamed if properly cared for."

Enzo takes a seat in front of Kylo, "I lack the patience." He pats his thigh and I flinch at the noise before walking towards him. I step between his legs and gently rest half of my weight onto his thigh and my arm around his neck. Enzo curls his fingers around my waist and sits back, "Enough of her... I was disappointed you did not want me to join the alliance with Kit, Chew, Mark, Palp, and yourself."

Kylo takes a sip of his drink, "We collectively agreed to kindly extend the offer for one more year."

Enzo snaps his fingers for a drink and the woman leaning against Kylo gets him one before I can even begin to get up. I sigh quietly with relief but Enzo says loudly, "Take notes, kitten." I don't have to look up to know his stare is focused on the girl pouring him a glass.

Heat flushes my cheeks with embarrassment as his men laugh at my expense. I continue to stare into my lap as he grabs the drink from the girl and she resumes her position beside Kylo. The room is loud with thousands of people surrounding us. I try my hardest to focus anywhere but here except that task feels impossible with Enzo's grip reminding me exactly where I am.

Enzo sips his drink before continuing, "That's assuming I will want to be considered next year to join you."

Kylo nods, "It is."

His voice forces me to glance up. Kylo's gaze is focused on me before turning to Enzo. I take the briefest moment to study him again. His posture and tightness reminds me of the first night I met Enzo. His jaw is tight, his hands remain tightly wrapped around his glass, his breathing barely noticeable. I stare at his watch. It is the same watch he wore the first night I ever saw him in Public Arts. He stretches his arm out, allowing it to rest on Rey's shoulder. It causes me to look and I blink several times. Is that a hair tie? I lick my lips, mouth suddenly feeling dry.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now