I Accept

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I sit nervously in my car, watching my coworkers head to their cars to leave for lunch. Once they all leave, I park and quickly race to the elevator. I go up to my floor and rush back to my office. I grab a box out of the break room on my way there and throw my shoes, spare outfit, and money pouch into it.

No more than five minutes later, I am ready to leave. I step into the elevator with my things and look around the room one last time. My heart sinks knowing I caused this myself.

I reach for the floor level button but find myself pushing a different button. The elevator doors shut and it begins to steadily rise to the top floor. I gulp, knowing I can't stop the elevator now. My heels nervously tap the ground as I watch the numbers slowly rise. My heart begins to race and my pencil skirt suddenly feels too tight.

The elevator doors slowly slide open and I am greeted by two men flanking each side of the elevator as I step out. I nervously look at both of them and smile slightly at the man I remember, Vicrul, before looking straight ahead. The whole room only consists of one large desk with a few spare chairs against the windows.

The room is completely floor to ceiling glass windows. The floor tile is black and so shiny I can see my reflection staring back at me. The desk is long and bare of any paperwork. The only thing there is Mr. Ren sitting behind it and staring at me.

I gulp and take a few steps deeper into the room. The elevator closes behind me and begins to descend. I'm stuck here now.

Mr. Ren's eyes never leave my body or my face. He looks unwell. He is paler than when I last saw him with purple circles under his eyes. His hair is less shiny. What the hell has happened between now and Monday?

"Mr. Ren?" I say shyly as I stop before his desk.

His eyes are hyper fixated to the box containing my belongings that I am holding against my body, "Ms. Steele."

I clear my throat, hoping to not sound as pathetic as I know l will, "I wanted to apologize before I left."

His left eye twitches slightly, still focused on the box that I am holding. His fist flexes in front of his mouth as he bites it.

I begin to nervously mumble, "I am sorry for disrupting your business in such an unprofessional manner. It was completely selfish. I never intended to do what I did. One thing led to another and I never once stopped to think about who I was hurting in the long run."

He looks up at me, waiting for it.

"You," I whisper, "I never intended to hurt you."

My stomach sinks as he bites his lower lip and sits back. His silence is much worse than him belittling me.

I stand there awkwardly for another minute before turning to walk back towards the elevator.

"Option one it is then, Ms. Steele."

I pause mid step before looking over my shoulder, "I wouldn't know what I would be agreeing to with option two. I figured option one was the safest bet."

His eyes lock onto mine, "You have no idea what you are agreeing to with option one."

I turn to face him, "I'm fired. I understand."

"No, no Ms. Steele. You're fired, correct but you will not be freed."

My eyes narrow at him, "Excuse me?"

He sits up in his chair, "You will be hunted down for the rest of your life by any of my men at all times. You will be tracked. You will be followed. Whether it be across New York city or across the world. It could be tomorrow or ten years down the road when you thought we were gone. One of my men will find you and you would have wished for death once one of them have you."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now