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"You're late," Kylo sets his glass down and adjusts his dress shirt at the collar.

I glance at the clock in the kitchen, "It's 6:03."

His eyes narrow at the bag in my hand and then to me, "Three minutes late."

I bite my tongue and fight the urge to roll my eyes as I walk past him. I drop the bag next to my side of the bed and look in my suitcase.

"You don't need to change," Kylo follows behind me, "you look fine."

"Fine?" I glance back at him as I stand.

He nods and finishes his drink, tossing it back down his throat, "Ready?"

I nod, crossing my arms and walking to the elevator. He presses the button, silent as we wait. We finally reach the ground level and he waves down a taxi.

"Dukes," Kylo tells the taxi driver as I slide into the seat.

He slides in next to me, looking out of the window as we drive. The drive is silent besides the taxi driver asking Kylo some questions about where we are from and what we have been doing here on the island. I still refuse to look his way as I listen to Kylo lie to the innocent man about every question.

"Stop here," Kylo reaches forward with a hundred-dollar bill in his hand.

The driver takes it while thanking him over and over again, "Are you sure? This isn't the stop for Dukes."

Kylo nods, "I'm sure. Thank you. I know how to get there from here."

He steps out of the taxi and offers me his hand as I slide out. I ignore it and step out, running my palms down my skirt to make sure it's not flipped up anywhere. Kylo shuts the door and begins to walk up the busy street. I follow closely behind him, looking around. We must be in the heart of Waikiki with how busy it is from shopping to entertainers to music and food. The smells are incredible as we walk past doors of different cuisines and styles, making my mouth water.

Kylo turns down a different street and looks back at me, "What is your problem?"

This time, I don't bite my tongue, "Those women enjoy your attention?"

"Is that what this is about?" Kylo stops walking in the dead center of the sidewalk.

People begin to move around him, no one even daring to yell at him for blocking the path. My eyes dart to the people glaring at me who is also blocking their pathway.

"Is that why you have been giving me attitude all day?" He scoffs.

I shake my head laughing, "That and how cruel you were in the water."

"Cruel?" He steps closer to me, "Angel, that was a lesson."

"A lesson?" I laugh louder and walk around him.

He grips my arm and turns me to face him, "I warned you." He lowers his voice as he leans into my ear, "If you were a good girl, I would have let you cum."

My stomach clenches as I watch people pass us, knowing what Kylo is whispering to me.

"Didn't know you were a teacher with such lessons." I yank my arm out of his grip.

He follows me as I mindlessly walk along the sidewalk of the busy street, unsure if I am going the right way but not caring.

"Did you teach those girls a lesson too?" I narrow my eyes at him before focusing on the crosswalk light.

He huffs a laugh, "You think I fucked them, don't you?"

My mouth drops open as he says it out loud for anyone to hear him.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now