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I laugh at Kylo's audacity, "I'm not calling you a liar but I doubt you'd be so okay sharing me so stop acting like this was agreed upon."

Kylo twists in his seat to look back at me, "We ALL mutually agreed you would be Vicrul's tonight. You also agreed, angel."

"I agreed because I thought it was just for show," I cross my arms and sit back.

Kylo's eyes narrow, "Don't even act like you didn't enjoy their attention."

My eyes scan the car, suddenly realizing this car is filled with the men who did watch me get fucked by Kylo. I chew my lip looking back to Kylo.

He points to Ap'lek, "He watched." His finger goes to Vicrul, "He watched." His finger finally aims at Kuruk, "He watched."

Blush heats my face as I follow Kylo's finger, unable to deny it. Vicrul laughs and Kuruk sits up straighter, avoiding touching me while Kylo lectures me. Ap'lek is too silent up front, not having said a word this whole time.

Kylo sits back in his seat, "So do not sit there and lie to me. You remember what happens to liars."

Oh, I remember alright. My eyes meet Ap'lek's as he looks in the rearview mirror at me. I shake my head and stare out of the window that Kuruk sits next to, "I'm not lying."

Kylo twists his head so he can look out of the corner of his eye at me, "You've got lot of nerve. Lie to me one more time."

I stare at his gorgeous side profile and push him further, "I only agreed because I thought it was for show."

What can he do to me? We are in a car full of people and I am in the back seat, he's in the front seat. I may get in trouble when we get home but that's still a half hour away. By then, he may cool off and forget about it.

Kylo's voice is deeper suddenly, "Pull up your dress."

I sit in silence as the whole car waits for me, to see what I will do. "What?" I narrow my eyes at the back of his head.

His voice is dark, twisted with curiosity, "I will not repeat myself."

His demand makes me pinch my legs together, feeling the slickness building as I feel everyone's eyes on me besides Kylo. If I pull up this dress, I have no idea what will happen. Several ideas race through my head and I enjoy most of the possibilities. Kylo's never truly hurt me and he definitely has never put me in a situation I have never wanted to be in, sexually. I trust him.

"Don't make me force you," Kylo taps his arm rest with impatience.

I chew my lip and reach down, gathering the bottom of my dress in my hands before dragging the tight material up my legs. I pull the material to my thighs, stopping there.

Without turning to see, Kylo says, "Higher."

My eyes dart to both sides of me, seeing what Vic and Kuruk are doing. They simply stare in silence as I hike the dress higher, stopping once it sits along my waist.

Kylo continues to tap his fingers on the arm rest while everyone remains quiet, "Tell me what you want, angel."

"What I want?" I repeat his words, disappointed he isn't commanding me but instead asking.

"What you want," Kylo extinguishes his cigarette on the side of his shoe, "tell us. I'm being much nicer than you deserve right now. Spit it out."

Chills cover my exposed legs, the warm air coming from the car vents caressing me. A thousand and one responses want to escape my lips. I want him, I want them. I want to be fucked. I want to be used. I want to use them.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now