Devil - K

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Her voice shakes as I feel my skin vibrate with rage, matching her tremble, "So, there's my story. That's how I feel."

The wheels in my head are spinning so fast, I feel a migraine coming on with every painfully slow blink I take. I taste blood along my tongue as I remind myself to release my inner cheek from between my teeth. The room is silent or is it just my blood rushing, echoing against my eardrums? My eyes slowly peel from the floor to look in front of me, towards Ap'lek. His eyes remain trained on me, slowly shaking his head as if seeing my wrath bubbling to the surface. I hold his gaze as if to remind myself of how ugly I can get when anger overrides my senses. Hearing and learning what she had went through within my own fucking company has me slowly losing hold of reality. I feel myself slipping back into the skin of a killer, someone who cannot rest until the others pay for their sins. I feel the monstrous mask slipping over my face, ready to become a living nightmare from hell for these men who have no idea what will be after them in mere hours. A predator that is starving... famished.

Scarlett's voice is less shaky now as she says, "Now that I have told you my story, tell me where you all went this month."

I hold Ap'lek's stare as I reply before anyone else can, "The night of the charity ball, Cardo, Kuruk, Vic, Ap'lek, and myself flew down to Atlanta, Georgia with Poe to hunt down Enzo and as many of his men as possible." I pause to make sure I do not say the wrong thing, "It took longer than I would have liked due to the hurricane rolling through the entire state and enlisting help with a local gang I now own. Minor inconveniences but got the job done."

My jaw throbs from my clenching, as do my fists that rest in my lap. The restraint I have hold on my anger is slithering from me, quickly. It's as if I am holding onto a thin line of rope that is covered in oil, blistering my skin the tighter I try to hold on.

"He's dead?" Her voice is timid.

I keep my lips sealed, allowing anyone else to take this one. The less focus I have on myself, the angrier I will become. Vicrul finally speaks, "No one has ever been more dead than that fucker." I blink at his words, flashes of my fists colliding into Enzo's hideously destroyed face play in my mind. The wet squelch of broken bones, mauled flesh, and fresh blood plays in my ears as I picture Scarlett's marked skin. The feeling of mushed meat forming to my knuckles makes the hair on the back of my neck stand. I would do it all over again and again if it meant Scarlett would be okay.

"I would also like to go back to work," she says, suddenly sounding more confident.

I finally break my stare from Ap'lek to face her, "Absolutely fucking not."

Her face contorts to confusion and it takes everything in me to not yank her out of her seat and shake some sense into her, "Why not?"

"We just got you back," I shake my head in disbelief at how careless she is being, "we are not losing you again."

Her teeth abuse her bottom lip as she suggests, "I'll be with you, all of you. I'll be safe and be on my best behavior. I can't handle staying locked up in this house for much longer especially when you guys are constantly gone. It's already been over a month. Do you know how alone I feel? I think it's starting to do more damage than good right now." Is she trying to sweet talk me into falling into her trap?

The audacity of this woman has me almost laughing as I say, "You have no idea what kind of heat I am in right now, Scar. What kind of targets we have on our backs after killing Enzo?" I have had multiple death threats this week alone. Some from local gangs and some from out of state. I have no doubt that Enzo's family is already locked in on us, planning. My every move is being watched. I have upped my security by ten-fold but they are not here for her leisure.

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