Madame X

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(SA mention)

We all get into the elevator and head down to the parking garage.

Kylo addresses the men, "Since Kuruk has to sit this one out, I'll take Scarlett in my car."

"Park behind the building near the southwest exit," Trudgen looks over to Ap'lek.

"Where will you park?" Ap'lek raises one eyebrow towards Trudgen.

"We will park in front of the building. Two options to leave in case..." Trudgen looks behind him and towards me, "in case we need a second exit."

The elevator door opens the moment I roll my eyes. It may be my first night but I'm not an idiot. All the men file out of the elevator and head to the two blacked out Cadillac SUVs already pulled up and ready for us. Trudgen, Cardo, and Ushar take the first car while Ap'lek, Vicrul, Kylo, and I take the second car. Ap'lek gets up front with Vicrul behind him and Kylo is in the passenger seat with me sitting behind him.

"Bump?" Vicrul reaches into the cup holder next to him, grabbing a small baggie.

I stare at the bag in-between his fingertips, "Uh, no thanks."

"Kylo? Ap'lek?" He asks while opening the bag.

Kylo looks back at Vicrul, "Ap'lek is watching Scarlett tonight."

"Hm." Vicrul dips his pinky finger into the bag and pulls up a small mound on his nail.

I never noticed his pinky nail being long compared to his other nails. I watch him closely. I have been around drugs my whole life. My entire extended family has one addiction or another. Some alcohol, some drugs, and some have both. The most I have ever touched was weed back in high school. I stopped once my aunt overdosed on illegal pain meds. I saw how badly her death affected my mom since they were best friends growing up. I never wanted my mom to worry about me like she did for her sister. So, I'm no stranger to drugs but to watch it up close now that I am older is an out of body experience.

Vicrul inhales a sharp breath before itching his nose and licking his fingertip. His eyes slide over to me the moment his tongue wraps around his nail. His lips wrap around his finger as he gently sucks while never breaking eye contact. I want to look away but I find myself frozen. I watch him slide his finger out of his mouth with a pop and as he licks his lips.


Kylo's voice breaks the trance I was just in. I finally break my stare from Vicrul to look forward at the back of Kylo's head.


"It's yes, sir." His voice drops an octave.

I narrow my eyes at the back of his head, "Yes, sir?"

He continues as if he wasn't just lecturing me like a father, "Ap'lek will watch you tonight but Vicrul will also stay close tonight. Remember, no names."

"I remember. Now start calling me Angel." I sit back in my seat, smirking.

The car is silent besides Kylo's voice, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I don't know how to respond to that so I remain silent.

"One slip from my tongue and they would know your full name, address, phone number, height, weight, blood type, parent's names, middle school attendance, names of dead pets, and your shoe size."

Kylo turns his head to the side to look at me from the corner of his eye, "Don't push me."

I gulp, realizing I fucked up. I need to remember who I am dealing with now. This isn't a pathetic horny boy at Bank of Ren that crossed boundaries with me and I could destroy his life by the grip of his balls.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now