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***important announcements at the end of this chapter***

Kylo leads us out of the club, roughly pulling me by my wrist. My legs feel like jello as I stumble out of the exit door in the back of the building, the cold air whipping my hair in my face and knocking a bit of sense into me. A laughter rips through my chest as I wrap my arms around myself to block the wind, tiny bumps forming along my exposed flesh. The parking lot is stuffed with cars but completely empty of people, I think... I hope with the look on Kylo's face. My vision is slightly blurred and moving too slowly for me to truly know for sure as he steps in front of me and takes a step towards me. I hiccup and take a step back, watching him as best as I can with my foggy mind. Another step backwards has my bare back coming in contact with the rough brick of the building, slightly vibrating from the loud music playing just on the other side of the wall. Kylo closes the space between us and I drop my arms to my side, noticing how his large body now blocks the wind from making me as cold. His breath smells of smooth liquor and smoke as he stares down at me, sharing breaths that are visible.

My eyes watch his teeth as they chew at his lower lip, "Why are we out here?" Kylo's pupils swallow the deep brown irises, turning them to pitch black and it takes me by surprise, "You're high too?" A giggle escapes my lips as he stares down at me.

He nods once, "We all are expected to test the product we are selling to show my shit is not cut with anything like Fentanyl. Prove it is pure and safe to mix with alcohol despite what the government claims."

I angle my head back in surprise, "What did I take?" My heart races as I lick my lips, mouth dry and cottony.

His eyes blow wide with a wicked smirk before he leans his mouth next to my ear, "The best fucking MDMA money could buy."

My palms are sweaty despite the chilly air nipping at my exposed skin, "I have never tried molly."

"How do you feel?" Kylo keeps his lips next to my ear as I feel trapped beneath him, his natural smell and rich cologne enveloping me. It's soothing in a sense that it is familiar.

My eyes roll in the back of my head as I feel his black hair brush softly against my face, "Godlike."

"That's how you should feel every fucking moment you are breathing," his lips graze my outer ear before his tongue licks it, sending chills scattering across my skin. Normally this feels incredible but tonight, it is earth shattering. Is it the lack of touch I have gotten from him these last few weeks? Is my loneliness worse than I thought? Or is it something deeper?

A quiet moan slips past my red stained lips as his mouth gently sucks onto my skin, lowering by the second until I feel teeth graze my exposed shoulder. I blink up at the night sky and watch as my moans cloud the air in front of my face, gasping at the way his hands roam over my body.

"I miss the way you taste," Kylo's warm breath and confession sends a shock wave of goosebumps along my skin along with the image of his head between my thighs. This is what I needed, him and me and us. I need affection and attention and I need whatever I can get right now. I bury my face into the crook of his neck as his tongue collects the glitter off of my collar bone.

An unfamiliar scent rests along the pulsing vein of his neck and my heart skips a beat. I whisper, "Who is she?"

His mouth halts the sensuous kissing as he breaths, "Nobody."

My stomach drops as I smell her perfume laced across the collar of his suit, "What is she?"

Kylo stands to his full height and pins me against the wall further, "Strictly business."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now