Chapter 1 - Manifestation

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Your parents had insisted you come home for your birthday and they didn't take no for an answer. They'd gotten permission off the school for you to stay home for a few days.

Once midnight hit it was officially your 18th birthday and you were thankful that they did insist.

You woke up screaming and in agony, your entire body felt like it was on fire. You jumped up and your parents came rushing in, turning on the lights and went straight to your side.

"Y/N sweetie it's okay!"
Your mother held onto your arms and tried to calm you.

"What's happening?!"
You screamed and could feel skin ripping on your back.

"Don't fight the pain, it's just your quirk."
Your dad spoke calmly.

Both of your parent's appearances shifted. They both grew black curled horns. Your mother grew purple wings and a tail, while your father grew red wings and a tail. The sclera of both their eyes turned black and the iris' glowed with the colour of their wings and tails. Their nails also extended into small, black claws.

"You're just developing sweetie, just breathe."
Your mother spoke calmly.

You tried to match their calm breathing and saw glowing purple veins rise up over your body.

Once they'd reached past your neck, you felt your skin rip and burst as big purple wings sprang free off your back and a purple tail pushed its way through your pants. Small black claws extended themselves from your finger nails.

You looked in the mirror as black, curled horns grew from your head and your eyes glowed purple.

Your breathing slowly started to calm, the pain bubbled away and the purple veins receded. You also noticed your pj's felt tighter than before.

Your parents smiled at you.

"This happens when you're 18."
Your mother smiled at you.

"In our family, it seems a succubus or incubus quirk can't manifest properly until the body is developed properly."
Your father smiled at you.
"I'll leave the rest to your mother."
His appearance returned to normal as he left the room.

"Sit down sweetie."
Your mother held your hands and sat you down on the bed. It took a moment for you to get comfortable, you weren't used to having a tail.
"Your urges are going to grow, and they're nothing to be ashamed of."

"Are you really giving me the sex talk right now?"

"Yes and no. You'll have had urges since turning 16, but now they're going to grow. It's going to feel almost insatiable for a while. Now that you've properly manifested, your quirk is more dangerous. You can still drain the energy from people by touch. You can also gain energy from others intimately. It may allow you to heal too, like your siblings, but if you're not careful you can kill them."

You nodded to your mother, listening intently as you calmed and started to feel your appearance revert.
"By that I'm assuming not only do I need to learn control quickly, but my quirk is going to cause an increase in sexual urges?"

Your mother nodded.

"That explains why both you and dad were so against me trying to become a hero. And why you insisted for me to come home,"

She smiled at you.
"You're here for another few days so I can teach you control and the limit you need to notice if you drain someone intimately."

"Thank you."

"Now, get some sleep."
She smiled and gently kissed the side of your head.

You smiled back as she got up and left the room, but you stood up and went over to the mirror and stripped down.

You looked over your body, admiring it. Thanks to your quirk, your normal appearance had changed too. Your skin was perfect and smooth, your body perfectly curved and your hair was so luscious and shiny.

You thought over what your mother said and realised you'd have to change your hero outfit too.

You smirked to yourself as you headed to your wardrobe to change into a nightdress you're mother bought you. You'd originally thought she'd forgotten your size, but after what just happened it now fit perfectly.

You felt a sense of empowerment as you headed back to bed, you realised just how much fun you were now going to have.

But you also remembered something you had to ask your parents in the morning, you'd been asking them every year since your periods started but they always said that you'll know when you're old enough to make the decision.


"Mum, dad, I have a question to ask."
You took a deep breath as you entered the kitchen.

"What is it sweetie?"
She responded while finishing the breakfast.

"You both always said I'd know when I was old enough to make the decision. You know how I've always been even since I was a child, and nothing has changed."
She plated up the breakfast and your parents shared a look.
"I want to be permanently sterilised."

"Dad you owe me a tenner."
Your older brother, Drake, laughed as he stuffed a pancake into his mouth.

Your dad sighed and handed him the money.
"I really thought it would take up to an hour."

"Really boys?"
Your mother sighed.

"Did you really expect them to act any differently?"
Your older sister, Luna, laughed as she entered the kitchen.
"You sure you want this?"
She looked at you and asked.

You nodded.
"Absolutely, I don't want even a slight risk."

"Told you both Y/N and myself were smarter than you and Theo."
Drake snarked and Luna just hissed at him.

"You're just mad because even as an incubus you can't pull a girl."
Your oldest brother, Theo, snarked and smacked Drake upside the head as he walked past.

Your mother however just smiled.
"Okay, I'll give the family doctor a call after breakfast."

You nearly screamed as you jumped with joy.

"Trust me Y/N, I made the same decision at the same age and life is definitely more fun."
Drake inclined his head and grinned at you.

"I always knew you were my favourite brother."
You grinned back and sat down for breakfast.


Honestly this book is just fanservice to myself, it's completely unrelated to any other of the MHA books I'm planning on writing.

It is also going to be heavily smut (Lemon) based, as in most of the chapters will be explicit and detailed.

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