Chapter 12 - Butterfly Field

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The three of you had ended up walking to class together that day, Bakugo giving you a glare when you walked into the class. The glare amused you and you were anticipating what he was going to do to you later.

After your classes had finished, you went to the park to relax. You were laid back in the grass, under the shade of a tree, and just listening to the calming sounds of nature. You were trying not to think about what Bakugo was going to do to you, but it was hard not to think about it, especially considering how jealous you made him.

"Y/N? Is that you?"
A timid voice asked.

You opened your eyes and looked over, it was Tamaki.
"Oh, hey Amajiki!"
You smiled and sat up.

"You look... different..."
He blushed and couldn't maintain eye contact.
"I almost didn't recognize you..."

You smiled and giggled a little bit.
"It's my Succubus quirk, it's fully manifested now. Want to sit with me?"

He nodded and quietly sat down next to you.
"It's.... Its been a while... how, uh, how are you and Bakugo?"

His face started to heat up after you used his first name.
"You know Bakugo and I weren't serious. We still aren't. How's you and Nejire?"

He looked down at the floor and played with his jumper sleeves.
"We split up... a few weeks ago..."

"I'm sorry."
You gently placed your hand over his and his face shot up to look at you.

His blush had turned dark, he didn't expect you to touch him.
"It's... uh... it's okay...."

"No it's not, come on!"
You grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
"I know exactly how to cheer you up!"
You grinned and held his hand, linking your fingers with his.

His entire face went hot, he couldn't reply and just followed you. He was extremely timid and quiet as you led him through the park, his hand keeping a tight grip on yours.

After walking for a while, you came to an abrupt stop and Tamki squeaked as he bumped into you.
"We're here, look!"

Tamaki didn't want to release your hand, the touch of a friend was comforting to him. But he looked up and his eyes widened in awe.

You'd brought him to a small field full of flowers and it was covered in butterflies. His hand squeezed yours as he slowly and carefully walked into the field. He gently dragged his fingertips across the petals, being careful to not scare the butterflies.

You were watching him and smiling as you saw a happy, genuine smile wash across his face.
"You remembered..."
He mumbled and continued to enjoy the sight of the butterflies.

"Of course I did."
He looked over and down at you and smiled.
"I've never seen your face light up as much after you told me butterflies were your favourite thing, so of course I'd remember."

"Thank you, Y/N."
He pulled you into a tight hug, nuzzling his face into your hair.

"You're welcome."
You hugged him back just as tight and he kept you there for a while, just enjoying the closeness.

After a few more moments he pulled back, a smile still across his face. He let go of you completely and decided to sit down in the field.

"I think I'm going to stay here a while."
He sighed and took in a deep, happy breath.

"I'm glad I could help, and so will I!"
You grinned and sat down beside him, taking his hand back in yours again.

"Th-thank you but I don't want to make you stay..."
He stuttered and started to become nervous again.

You laid back in the field and smiled.
"We haven't spoken in ages, and it's peaceful here."
He just smiled in response, and after a while he decided to lay down with you.

You'd spent hours just laid there in the field, enjoying nature and just talking to one another. The longer you were there, the more comfortable he seemed.

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