Chapter 7 - Proposition

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After last night, Bakugo was different to normal and the others were picking up on it too. After you'd taken control, he'd seemed abnormally quiet and subdued. Even around other people, he was still explosive like usual but not as much.

"What did you do to Bakugo last night?"
Kirishima asked and nodded to his friend.
"He's more quiet than usual, especially when you're around."

You looked over, seeing Bakugo sitting rather quietly on the couch. He was scrolling through his phone, his finger tapping against the side of it. He saw you looking, and his head flung back to his phone quite quickly which made you smirk to yourself.

You looked up at Kirishima and smiled.
"I can show you better than I can tell you."

Kirishima's eyes widened slightly and a small blush crept up onto his cheeks.
"Y/N! But you and Bakugo-"

"We're not exclusive Kiri, we never have been and he knows that."
You grabbed Kiri by his belt and pulled him close to you, he swallowed hard and his breath hitched in his throat as his body hit yours.
"So if you really want to know, then come to my room tonight."
You got up on your tip toes and kissed his cheek before turning away and leaving.
"The door will be unlocked."
You shot him a cheeky smile over your shoulder.

Kiri just stood there, now with a dark blush on his face.
He whispered out and rubbed the back of his neck before turning around.

"She's intense, isn't she Kirishima?"
Midoriya asked as he was walked over with Todoroki.

"That's an understatement."
He laughed nervously, looking over in the direction you went.

"You guys talking about Y/N?"
Denki asked, popping a sweet into his mouth as he joined them.

Kiri responded and looked back.
"Did she proposition you guys as well?"

"W-well no, not exactly. She just likes to fluster me."
Midoriya nervously laughed.

"Unfortunately no."
Denki sighed.

Todoroki shook his head.
"No, what did she say to you?"

"I asked her what she did to Bakugo, since he's been so quiet. She told me to go to her room tonight because she can show me better than she can tell me."

"Good luck man."
Denki laughed and slapped Kiri on the back.
"If she can subdue Bakugo she must be one hell of a chick."

"She's a succubus Kaminari."
Todoroki said plainly.

"Sounds fun, I wonder if I'll get a turn."
He grinned and the other three just shook their heads and sighed.


A few more hours had passed, it was starting to get dark. You'd decided to chill out in your room, slipping into one of your lacy red nightdresses that hugged your body. You were enjoying your own company, listening to your favourite playlist when your phone dinged.

Hawks: Hey Baby Bird, come meet me ;)

You: No, I have plans.

Hawks: Plans better than me? Now that's just offensive.

You: I'm sure your ego can take it.

Hawks: Ego? You wound me kid.

You: You'll survive :)

Most of the boys were still in the common room, Bakugo was still being quiet. His mind kept flicking back to last night, you didn't take control only once. Each time you did, he found it easier to relinquish his dominance to you. He was quiet because he was internally angry for letting someone do that to him and because of how much he enjoyed it.

"It's getting late Kiri, are you not going to go?"
Denki asked as he leaned over the back of the couch behind Kirishima.

Kiri looked back at him.
"I don't know man, Y/N is intense."

The mention of your name caught Bakugo's attention, so he started actively listening as Denki spoke again.

"Really Kirishima? A hot succubus propositions you to do exactly what she did to Bakugo, and you're thinking about just not doing it?"

"Maybe he just doesn't want to?"
Midoriya spoke.

"That's doubtful."
Todoroki added.

"Well then maybe I'll take her up on her offer instead."
Denki laughed and started walking off.

Bakugo snorted.
"Y/N would break you guys."

They all looked at Bakugo.

"So he does speak."
Kaminari joked.

"Shut up dumbass."

"You have been quiet all day Bakugo."
Kirishima added.

"And Y/N said she'd show you why huh?"
Bakugo grunted and stood up.

"Yeah but I never said I-"

"Then go."

"But I thought-"

"Shut up Kiri."
Bakugo grunted.
"She propositioned you, so go. Then you'll see why I want her for myself."
Bakugo walked off to his room.

After that, it didn't take long before Kirishima stood up and made his way to your room.

"I was expecting Kacchan to get angry."

"He normally would have."
Todoroki added.

"But Y/N managed to calm him and he won't talk."
Denki sighed.
"I wish it was me who had a chance to find out."
He climbed over the couch and sat down.

Kirishima was nervous on the way to your room, it was a mix of anticipation and excitement. What could you possibly do that could cause Bakugo to calm down for so long.

As he opened the door and saw you laid there, his breath stopped. Your nightdress hugged your body perfectly, showing off every single curve.

You smiled as he locked the door behind him, standing up and walking over to him.
"I thought you weren't going to come, Eijiro."
You got so close your bodies were almost touching.

He looked you up and down, swallowing hard.
"My curiosity got the better of me... and Bakugo wasn't angry with me."

"I didn't invite you here to talk about Katsuki."
You focused your eyes and looked up at Kirishima, his aura was actually remaining calm. Meaning he wasn't allowing his sexual appetite to overwhelm him, and that made your own desire spike.
"So you wanted to find out what I did, did you?"

He nodded and his aura flared briefly, you smirked before you stopped focusing your eyes.

You grabbed him by his belt and pulled him to you, his hands instinctively gripped your waist as you kissed him and backed him up against the door.

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