Chapter 32 - Details

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After the training session finished and everyone was walking back to the locker rooms, Aizawa pulled you aside. Tamaki tried to keep an eye on you, but Mirio pulled him away.

"What was that? With Suneater?"
Aizawa asked you with folded arms.

"Me beating him?"
You smiled sweetly.

"Don't play coy with me, Y/N. We both know he should have beaten you."
He raised a brow at you.

You were about to make another joke, but he shifted his body weight slightly and you became painfully aware that you were the only two people left in the gym. Without anyone watching, this allowed him to shift his body language. You swallowed hard, his presence became extremely dominant as he looked down at you.

You looked down and away from his dominant stare.

"Eye contact, Y/N."
He said sternly.

Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked back up at him.
"I... I made a deal with him..."


"So I could win a bet..."

"And the bet?"

The silence around you both was deafening.

"The bet, Y/N. And the deal."

You breathed in deeply then let out a long, shaky breath. Your mind was spinning at what he was going to do when you told him, and what type of punishment you were going to get.

"The deal... i-it was that if he let me win... I'd stay at his for the full weekend."


You looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"Do I really have to say it?"

He lowered his voice and inclined his head at you.
"Tell me the full details, kitty cat."

You swallowed hard, he was now completely in Dom mode.
He raised a brow at you.
"Yes Daddy..."

"Good girl."
He cooed.

"And during the weekend, when we go to bed... he could use me as a cockwarmer..."

A small smirk appeared on his face, right as you heard all the locker doors close and voices disappear.
"And the bet?"

"Th-the bet was... was if I could beat Tamaki... that Bakugo would have a foursome with me, Todoroki and Midoriya... but if I lost then Bakugo could have me to himself for a week..."
You maintained eye contact with him, your heart pounding.

He walked closer to you, his body almost touching yours.
"You really are a naughty little slut aren't you?"
His eyes trailed your body.
"What am I going to do with you, Kitty Cat?"
He backed away from you, his body language switching back to teacher mode.
"Go. Get changed. Your classmates will be waiting."

You nodded, hurrying off into the locker room to get changed back into your school clothes. Your heart was pounding and you were breathing heavily, he was being way too calm about what you'd just told him.

Your hands were shaking slightly out of nerves as you slipped out of your hero costume. You'd just finished buttoning up your shirt and reached for your skirt when you heard keys jingle and a door lock. You let out aa shaky breath as you picked up your skirt.

"Not the skirt, just the socks."
It was Aizawa's voice.

He walked by you to the other door, locking it as you pulled up your thigh high socks. After you did, he walked towards you and you let out another shaky breath. He was towering over you and he'd switched back to Dom mode.

"It's time to start your punishment, kitty cat."

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