Chapter 23 - Cuddling

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After the last pot had been put on the drying rack, you dried your hands and you noticed Tamaki was nervously playing with his sleeves again.

"Something on your mind, Tamaki?"

"Well, I-I was just wondering... I know the sun is down... b-but it's a nice night outside...  d-d-do you want to sit in the garden?"

You smiled at him and linked your fingers with his.
"I'd love to!"

He squeezed your hand as his face lit up and he nearly dragged you out the back door. Rather than sitting down, Tamaki excitedly showed you around the flowers. You had no idea he loved gardening so much, but his face lit up like a Christmas tree as he showed you the different ones and explained how different butterflies like different ones.

You thought it was utterly adorable how all his nervousness just washed away when he had someone to listen, someone who took an interest in what he liked. Once he'd finished talking, he turned back to look at you and saw you shivering a little.

"Are you cold?"

"A little."

"Stay here."
He smiled, and without thinking he kissed your cheek before he ran off into the house.

You froze in place, realising you couldn't feel the cold anymore because you were focusing on the fact you could feel your cheeks heating up. You touched your face and smiled, after a few more moments he came running back out with a huge smile on his face.

"I brought two blankets!"
He grinned.
"I thought we could lay back on the grass since it's a clear night."

You smiled back as he laid one of the blankets on the grass.
"That sounds great!"

You both laid back on the blanket, it was really soft, as he laid the other blanket over you both and that one was also really soft.

Tamaki put one of his arms under his head as he laid back, and you laid your head on his chest. You couldn't see, but he was blushing and smiling as you did.

It was a really clear, yet chilly, night and you could see a lot of the stars. You both laid there for a while, chatting and looking up at the sky.

After a while, Tamaki moved his arm and curled it around you. You smiled and cuddled into him, which in turn made him smile.

"Hey look!"
He pointed up with a smile.
"Those stars kind of looks like a butterfly!"

You looked to where he was pointing and giggled.
"Oh yeah, it does!"


Once it started to get too cold you moved back into the house. Tamaki laid one of the blankets over the back of the couch, then you both sat down and he pulled the other blanket over you both. You got comfy, resting your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you.

"So... what's... uh... g-going on with you and Hawks?"
He nervously asked.

"Nothing really. It's the same as any of the other boys really, it's just physical. Nothing serious."

"Bakugo doesn't seem to think so..."

"He's cocky. He was the first I ever slept with, even before my quirk fully manifested."
You sighed.
"But I don't want a boyfriend, due to my quirk I'm not sure tied to one person would work."

Tamaki nodded.
"That makes sense, I think."
His grip tightened a little.

You looked up at him and smiled.
"Something on your mind, Tamaki?"

"I... well I just... I'm curious, how do you do that?"

"What do you mean?"

"More than one person..."

"It's easy for me, I don't want just one person. I have... appetites."
You smiled at him again.
"But I also have no worries, I got sterilised just after my quirk completely manifested and I can use it to heal."


"Yeah, I don't want kids. Like, ever. Our family doctor did it."

"D-do you think I could get that done?"

"If you really wanted to, yeah. You're older than me. You don't want kids?"

"No! They're loud... and sticky..."

You giggled in response and you both stayed silent for a moment.
"So, you never really told me what happened between you and Nejire."

Tamaki sighed.
"We grew apart, hero work..."

"Is that all? It sounds like there's more."

His grip tightened on you.
"N-no... but it's embarrassing..."

You sat up and turned to look at him, placing a hand on his knee. He jumped slightly at the touch and his face flushed.
"Tamaki, nothing you say to me could be embarrassing."

"A-are you sure about t-that?"

You smiled and gave him a gentle kiss on his nose.
"I promise."

He smiled as his blush got darker, his eyes scanning your face.
"W-well... we had issues... i-intimately...
You watched him intently, giving him a reassuring smile and a small squeeze on his knee.
"I was never... c-confident enough... sometimes my quirk would... would get out of control."

You raised an eyebrow.
"Your quirk?"

He nodded, pulling a hand out from under the blanket and stuck his tongue out too. His fingers and his tongue switched to tentacles and your eyes went wide. After a few seconds, he retracted the tentacles and put his hand back under the blanket.

He gave you a nervous smile before looking down.
"S-see... embarrassing."

You picked his arm up, moving under it to cuddle back into him.
"That's not embarrassing Tamaki. Embarrassing is me getting so flustered by Midoriya touching my tail that my wings burst out in the middle of the kitchen."

He froze.
"Y-y-you have a tail? A-and wings?"

You looked up at him and grinned.
"Want to see?"

He eagerly nodded and you stood up, he started watching you intently. You took a deep breath and transformed into your Succubus form. But you also did it in a way that completely flustered Tamaki and turned his face beet red.

You dropped your dress to your ankles and Tamaki squeaked, pulling the blanket up to his face. Your tail curled down and swayed at the side of your legs, your wings sprouted out from your back and flapped into position, your horns curled out, your eyes switched and your nails extended into claws.

"I didn't want to rip my dress."
You playfully smiled at him.

"Y-y-y-you're beautiful!"
He squeaked out before hiding his face in the blanket.

You decided to focus your eyes, his energy was furiously flashing back and forth between purple and a fierce red. You walked closer to him, carefully pulling the blanket away from his flustered face.

You lowered your voice slightly.
"You don't need to hide your face."

"I-i-i do..."
He tried to look away, but you placed a claw under his chin to keep his eyes on you.

"If this is too much, all you have to do is say no Tamaki."

He furiously shook his head.
"I am not saying no!"
He nearly shouted as he grabbed your wrist, his fingers turning into tentacles and curling up your arm.

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