🍋Chapter 27 - Tamaki Part 4🍋

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Tamaki had run a floral scented bubble bath, you were laid back against him and he was playing with your hair. He still seemed really nervous around you, and you found that somewhat endearing.

"So Tamaki."
You looked up at him.
"Last night, you said you'd wanted that for a while?"

His face went red.
"I, uh, w-was that the wrong thing to say?"

You turned around to face him, still lying down.
"No, of course not."
You smiled at him and his face calmed.
"I was just going to ask how long?"

His face flushed.
"I... I was still at UA..."
He looked away from your eyes.
"It... w-was a few months after... your sixteenth..."
You were smiling softly at him.
"Y-you were walking to the g-gym in your hero outfit."
He looked back at you, his face beet red.
"I-I thought you looked amazing... a-and you stopped to say hi."

"You were in your hero outfit too, walking back from the gym. I remember."
You smiled at him.

"Y-you do?!"
His pitch raised at the shock.

"Yeah, I always thought you were quite cute."
You grinned at him before giving him a kiss.
You smirked as you straddled him in the bath and he squeaked.
"I've come to learn that you're actually a horny, slutty little boy."

"I-I-I-I can't help it..."

You rolled your hips in his lap and he whimpered.
"I love it..."
You bent down to kiss him, his hands gripping your hips.

You deeply kissed him and he moaned into your mouth. You pulled back then kissed one cheek, followed by the other. You kissed his jaw and down to his neck, licking, nipping and sucking to mark it before doing the same on the other side. You kissed further down him, along both his collarbones and then down his chest before kissing back up and to his lips.

"Do you believe me now, Tamaki?"
He nodded and his grip on your hips tightened.
"I think we should eat before continuing, don't you?"
You rubbed your thumb across his bottom lip.
"I want you to use your tentacles again."
He whimpered as you got off his lap and out of the bath, wrapping a towel around yourself.
"I just need to get my dress from downstairs."

"Y-you could wear some of my clothes!"
He got up out of the bath after you.
"I-if you want to..."

"Thank you."
You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, making him blush.

"They're just in the wardrobe, I'll make food."


After changing and drying your hair, you went downstairs and Tamaki was making Takoyaki again. You'd chosen one of his black jumpers and sweats. You smiled at him as you entered the kitchen, and he smiled back.

"Food's almost done."
He smiled and blushed.

You hugged him from behind again, but this time he didn't squeak or jump.
"I've enjoyed it here."
You sighed happily and nuzzled your head into his back, breathing deeply.
"It's so calm and quiet here."

You heard him lightly chuckle and he plated up the Takoyaki. He washed his hands then turned around to look at you, wrapping his arms around you.

"I like having you here."
He smiled.

"Then just invite me more often."
You smiled up at him before reaching up and giving him a kiss.


After food you'd both decided to cuddle up on the couch again. Whenever Tamaki was clothed, he was a lot less sexually needy and just wanted to be close to you.

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