Chapter 37 - School

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You hadn't been able to wake up on your own, but you were thankful you'd been able to shower on your own. Since today was the last full day at UA before you'd spend your weekend with Tamaki, Bakugo had been more possessive than usual.

You'd swear if he actually showed people he cared, then he'd have tried to talk you out of going through with the deal that you made with Tamaki. But he didn't. He just grunted and huffed, making jokes and digs the entire day.

After your timetabled lessons that day, you went back to your room and made sure to lock the door. You wanted time to yourself to get ahead on homework and work in general, you were further behind than you'd like to admit. You plugged in your headphones and set a playlist going to make yourself focus on work, you were doing anything you could to try and take your mind off the boys.

It was sort of working, the more you threw yourself at your work the less you thought about them and the less your quirk played up. Ever since your quirk had fully manifested and that night with Aizawa, you'd begun to notice that you could never quite stay satisfied anymore and it was annoying.


You'd spent the entirety of that day locked up in your room to catch up on work, and you'd even gotten ahead. This meant you could relax a little in your lessons today and work at a normal pace, which is exactly what you did. You'd even remembered to take notes this time.

After your lessons had ended and you'd placed your school supplies in your room, you decided to go for a shower. You wanted to make sure you were clean and hygienic before meeting Tamaki, especially with what he liked to do to you.

Once you were dry and in a fresh pair of clothes, you'd packed your bag for a weekend at Tamaki's. You hoped that Mirio wouldn't be there this weekend, but you were sure he probably would be. Once done, you looked in the mirror and made your Succubus features appear. You were in a skirt and a tank top and you admired how your wings, tail and horns made you look.

You were starting to love your Succubus form more and more, but you definitely didn't seem to love it as much as the guys do. After a while of admiring your body, your phone buzzed and it was Tamaki.

Tamaki: Hey! Are you still coming today?"

Tamaki: It's okay if you're not! I get that you're busy.

Tamaki: If you're busy we can always do another weekend.

You: I'm coming, don't worry. I've just finished packing my bag actually.

Tamaki: That's great!

Tamaki: I mean, I've just started making food for us again.

You: That's lovely, see you soon Tamaki.

Tamaki: See you soon!

Tamaki: I can't wait to see you, I'm excited to see you!

You smiled as you put your jacket on and slipped your phone into one of the pockets. You turned your quirk off, threw your bag over your shoulders and made your way down to leave UA.

A lot of your classmates were in the common room, none of the girls paid attention to you and Uraraka made it obvious that she was intentionally not looking at you by scowling at you and looking away.

You smirked to yourself, you knew it was because you'd spent time with Midoriya and she hadn't. Speaking of Midoriya, both he and Todoroki were having a conversation in the kitchen as you walked past. They both just watched you walk past as they enjoyed seeing you in a skirt.

As you exited out of the UA building, someone's voice stopped you.
"Heading to octopus boy's place already?"
Bakugo grunted.
You turned around, seeing him with his arms folded and resting against the wall.

"Yes, I did say the entire weekend."

He huffed as he stepped towards you. Without a word he grabbed you by your shirt and pulled you in to kiss him. Your hands gripped his shoulders to steady yourself from the force of his pull, and he pushed his tongue into your mouth. The kiss went on for a while, and when he eventually pulled back he still had a firm grip on your shirt.

"When you get back, my room."
He let go of your shirt and placed his hands in his pockets.
"I don't care how late. The door will be open."

You smiled at him before turning around and heading to Tamaki's.

He watched you walk off, enjoying the way your hips and skirt swayed as you walked. He'd never admit it, but he was jealous. He wanted you all to himself and he absolutely did not like sharing.


You were about to knock on Tamaki's door when it opened and you jumped back a little.

"Oh hey Y/N!"
Mirio smiled at you.
"Here already?"
You nodded and readjusted the bag on your shoulder.
"Awesome! I was just leaving, I'm crashing at Nejire's. Tamaki has not stopped talking about you."
His face got serious for a moment.
"Don't hurt him, Y/N."

You smiled softly at Mirio.
"I won't, I promise. I've made my intentions abundantly clear."

Mirio grinned before stepping past you.
"I promise I won't barge in this time, see you later!"
He laughed as he walked away.

Tamaki's voice called from inside the house.

"Yeah I'm here!"
You called back and stepped in, shutting the door behind you and locking it.

As you removed your shoes and placed your jacket over the back of the couch, you spotted Tamaki walking out from the kitchen and placing food on the table. You made your way over to him and he smiled at you as he placed the food down.


You replied with a smile.

Before you could move, he pulled the chair out for you so you could sit down. To thank him, you reached up and kissed his lips.
"Thank you, Tamaki."
You smiled and sat down as he blushed.

"Y-y-you're welcome!"
He stuttered and pushed your chair in then took a seat opposite you.

You had a feeling that this weekend was going to be very fun indeed.

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