🍋Chapter 26 - Tamaki Part 3🍋

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About half way through the night, you woke up to whimpering sounds behind you. You slowly stirred awake and as you moved, you felt Tamaki's cock twitch against your back.

He whimpered against the back of your neck.
"Are you a-awake? P-please tell me you're awake..."
He whimpered again and his cock twitched again.

You rolled your hips back in response, chuckling at the whine that came out of him when he rocked his hips forward and his cock slipped between your legs.

"Yes, I'm awake."
You reached your arm back and pulled his head down to kiss you.

He whimpered and panted as you did and you felt his cock twitch between your legs again.

"I-I need you... Bunny..."
He rocked his hips, rubbing himself against your pussy.
"I can't h-help it..."
He whined and put one of his hands between you're legs.
"You're just so h-hot..."
He placed his tip at your entrance and pushed himself inside.
"You're already w-wet too..."

He whimper-moaned at the feeling and you moaned too, resting your head back against his chest and he started to thrust.

"I don't mind."
You giggled and pulled his head down to kiss you. You gently bit his lip to make him whimper before you pulled away.
"You're a slutty little boy at heart, aren't you?"

You rolled your hips back to meet his thrusts, the moan that came out of him was a sexy and high-pitched one that sent pleasurable shivers up your spine and made you tighten.

He whimpered and gripped your waist when you pushed back against him again.
"Y-yes... Bunny..."
He moaned and rested his head in the crook of your neck and you lifted your leg up and over his.

He was desperate, thrusting faster and faster as you kept tightening around him. He wasn't even using his quirk he was just panting, whimpering, moaning and whining.

"Do you like being inside me, Tamaki?"
You asked as you rolled your hips back.

He moaned and thrusted a bit harder.

"Do you want to cum inside me again?"
You could feel yourself on the edge with him panting behind you.

He begged and thrusted deeper, he was on the edge too,

You giggled and pulled his head down to kiss you as you released around his cock, moaning into his mouth as you did.

"C-can I Bunny? Please?"
He begged again, rocking his hips desperately as he was so close.

"Of course you can baby, you beg like such a good boy."

He came almost as soon as you'd finished speaking, resting his head against your shoulder and moaning as he filled you up.

He moaned and kissed your shoulder, his hips rocking into you as he continued to twitch inside you.

He slowly pulled out, whimpering at the loss of your heat. You turned around to face him, cupping his cheek and smiling. You gave him a small, gentle kiss before snuggling your head into his chest.

"You're a good boy, Tamaki. Feel free to wake me up like that if you want."

He sounded almost too excited.
"You mean that?"

You nodded against his chest, wrapping your arms around him to get comfortable.
"Yes, you have full permission to do whatever to wake me up."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around you.
"Well, wh-what if you don't wake up?"

"Then keep trying."
You snuggled your head against him.

He blushed and nuzzled into your hair, giving your head a kiss.
"Okay, th-thank you Bunny."

"The pleasure's all mine."
You giggled and you both intertwined your legs together.

This time, you fell asleep wrapped warmly in his arms and to the sound of his heartbeat.



You woke up to the sounds of quiet whimper-moans and a small pressure as a cock pushed into you.

You sleepily moaned.

You lifted your head up, Tamaki's face was flustered and he thrusted into you.

"Y-you said I could..."

"I did, what a lovely way to wake up."
You smiled and brought your lips up to meet his.

He wrapped his arms around you and flipped you onto your back, not once breaking the kiss. You moaned into his mouth as he sunk himself deep inside you.

He hooked your legs over his shoulder, pushing your knees up to your breasts and began to slam into you.

You threw your head back and moaned.

"I-I just needed you again..."
He moaned and thrusted faster.

He started thrusting deeper and harder, until he was ramming into you like an animal. He was even more desperate than during the night and you were loving every second of it. It was like once he got a taste of you, that's all he wanted.

"I love it!"
You moaned and reached above you, gripping onto the pillow.

You were still sensitive from last night, so your orgasm was building fast but so was his. Morning sex was great but it never lasted too long.

"Oh god..."
Your back arched and you clamped down around him.
You gripped the pillows tight and moaned, your orgasm hitting you harder and quicker than you thought.

His thrusts were still fast, deep and hard and he tilted your hips again to ram you at an angle. It sent a shock of pleasure up your spine and that, now familiar, pressure started to build.

You whimper-moaned, it was a new sound to Tamaki and he loved it.

He knew he was pleasuring you and that pleasured him. He kept going at the exact same pace and angle, just to hear you increasingly louder and high-pitched whimper moans.

You started to pant, sweat forming on your forehead as your body started to heat up.
"T-Tamaki I-I'm gon-A-Ah!"
You gripped the pillows so hard your knuckles went white, your back arched and the pressure released.

The warm liquid dripped out of you, completely soaking his cock and the sheets as he sunk himself as deep as he could go. He buried his head into your shoulder and moaned as he filled you up and your body twitched against his.

His body shook, he came hard. Your eyes flashed, it made him whine and you began to drain him. You didn't even mean to, but he loved the sight of it.

Your legs fell from his shoulders and his body fell on top of you, both of you just laid there panting and pleasured.

You whimpered once Tamaki pulled his cock out of you and fell beside you.
"I think we could both do with a bath, or shower."
You giggled.

"A bath sounds fun!"
He smiled at you and blushed.
"W-we could take one together. If you want to that is..."

"I'd love to."
You smiled back and gave him a gentle kiss.

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