🍋Chapter 28 - Todoroki🍋

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Todoroki kept a gentle hold of your hand, until you were both out of earshot from the others. You had a feeling you knew what he was about to ask for, and after a full night and day with Tamaki you weren't sure if you could take it.

"Y/N... remember when I walked in on you and Midoriya?"
He asked as you both stopped walking and he let your hand go.

You smiled up at him.

"I want to do it again."

"Wow, look at you being forward."
You giggled.

"Yes, but without Midoriya."

"Oh? And when would you want to?"
You raised a brow with a smirk.


You grabbed his hand, linking your fingers with his.
"Then we'll go to my room, right now."
He pulled you, nearly speed-walking to get to your room.

Once you were inside, he locked the door and pulled you in for a kiss. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly against him. He pulled back and gently lifted your face up by your chin to look at him.

"Can you do to me what you did to Midoriya?"
His eyes flicked to your lips.
"I heard the pleasure, but he won't tell me anything."

"I can, if you have a belt."
You smiled up at him.

Without even responding, he undid the belt he was wearing and handed it to you.
"Will this do?"

You took the belt from him.
"Now, sit down on the bed Shoto."

He smiled at you, giving you a kiss before he did what you said. You crawled behind him, grabbing his wrists and tied them behind his back with the belt.

"Too loose?"


"Too tight?"



You got off the bed took your jacket off, then got on your knees in front of him and undid his jeans. He lifted his hips up to allow you to pull his jeans and boxers down. He was already hard as you reached for his cock, a pleasured sigh leaving his lips.

You bent down, wrapping your lips around his tip. You swirled your tongue around his tip, making him moan and you flicked your tongue across his tip multiple times until his hips bucked into your mouth. You started to bob your head and pumped his shaft at the same time.

He was moaning, his hips already bucking again and you took him further into your mouth.
He moaned and pulled at the belt, so you pulled off him. You went to the bottom of his shaft, licking all the way up to the tip while maintaining eye contact with him.

He looked down at you, nearly panting with eyes filled with lust. You took him back into your mouth, letting go of him with your hand so you could take him into your throat. As you did, you extended your tail and wrapped it around his throat.

He moaned and threw his head back as he felt himself go deeper into you. You steadied yourself using his thighs, taking him as far as you could. You felt your face press against him and his cock began to twitch.

He moaned again, pulling harder at the belt as you squeezed his throat with your tail.

You pulled back up then pushed back down again, bobbing your head faster and making sure to lick every inch of him. His back arched and he groaned, his cock bulging and releasing into your mouth. You took him deep, making sure not a single drop could get free.

You swallowed then licked all the way back up, sucking at the tip to make sure you got all of his seed.
You looked up at him with a smile, wiping your mouth as you stood up and made your tail recede.

"Almost, I want to make you cum."

You straddled him with a smile, reaching behind him and undoing the belt.

Once his wrists were free he grabbed your hips, spinning you both around and pinning you to the bed. He didn't even let you undress, he pushed your underwear aside and eased himself into you.

Your back arched and your head flung back, you were more sensitive than you thought.

He thrusted into you and slid one hand up your dress, cupping your breast and squeezing. He thrusted harder, bringing another hand down to your clit. He thrusted deeper and rubbed circles around your clit.

You moaned and bucked your hips against him.

The hand around your breast started to heat up, he pinched your nipple between his fingers and you tightened around him. The other hand started to get colder, gently squeezing your clit and the thrusted into your faster.

Your back arched as you clamped down and released, your hands flying up to grab the pillows as you came. As you squeezed his sensitive cock with your insides, he pushed into you and came.

Your body shook as he filled you, once his cock stopped twitching he lifted you up and into his lap.
You panted and he pulled his cock out of you.

He sat you so you were straddling him. He undressed you in his lap until you were completely naked and took off his own shirt.

He spread your legs apart with his knees.
"I didn't say I wanted to make you cum only once."
One hand cupped your breast and the other made its way to your sensitive pussy.

He pushed two fingers inside you and curled them up, making your hips rock against his fingers.
You moaned and your head flung back against his shoulder.
"I'm t-too sensitive..."
You moaned and he started activating his quirk again.

The hand over your breast started to cool down, his fingers tweaking your hardened nipple. The one inside you started to heat up, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit.

You stutter-moaned, your legs shaking and you tightened around his fingers.

He curled them again and pressing them up and he heated up his hand further, eliciting a high pitched moan from you.
"Burns good, doesn't it?"
He whispered in your ear, kissing and licking along your neck.

You moaned in response, you were getting closer.

He sucked at your neck, increasing your body's sensitivity as he edged you closer. You were also feeling the pressure build again, if he kept going you were going to squirt in his hand.

"Sh-Shoto! A-ah!"
You released around his fingers, but he kept them curled up and pressing.
You nearly screamed as the pressure released and you covered his hand.

He stopped his quirk and slowly let your body go. He pulled the duvet back, laying you down as he got in next to you. Your body was still twitching and shaking against his.

"Are you okay?"
He asked as he trailed his fingers along your side.

You happily sighed and cuddled into him.
"I'm just... sensitive."

"I understand."
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
"I would like to do this again, eventually."

You giggled against his chest, wrapping your arms around him.
"All you need to do is ask."
Your body slowly stopped twitching as he gently caressed your back.
"Also, feel free to wake me up that way."
You giggled and heard a small chuckle from him.

"I'll keep that in mind."

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