🍋Chapter 42 - Tamaki🍋

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Tamaki stuttered as you reached your hand out to him.

He took it, linking his fingers with yours and you led him back to his bedroom. Once you were back in his room, you let go of his hand and grabbed onto the hem of his jeans to pull him to you. He squeaked and whimpered as his body hit yours, and you reached up to kiss him.

"My turn."
You giggled and used the hem of his jeans to push him back towards the bed, until he fell back onto it.

He squeaked as he did, and you crawled on top of him as he moved up the bed.
He stuttered as you pushed his shirt up and started kissing down his body, unbuttoning his jeans as you did.

He whimpered as you kissed the sensitive skin above his jeans, before pulling them and his boxers down. He was already hard once his cock was free. You licked your lips as your head descended and you placed a kiss on his tip.

You wrapped your lips around his tip and flicked your tongue across it, making him buck his hips. You started to bob your head, making him moan as you took him into your mouth.

He moaned and gripped onto the sheets as you took him deeper, making sure to lick as you went down. You bobbed your head up and down, enjoying the sound of his moans as you did.

You unwrapped your lips from him to look at him, his face was bright red and he was gripping the sheets while looking down at you. So you smirked up at him and licked all the way from the tip to the bottom of his shaft, then back up without breaking eye contact.

His cock twitched as you did it, and he covered his face with one of his arms. You wrapped your lips around him again to take him into your mouth. You went down, and kept going deeper.

He moaned as you slid him further into your mouth.

You lifted your head back up a bit, before bobbing back down again and taking him even deeper. He moaned louder and his cock started to twitch as he entered your throat. You held him there until you started gagging, and those sounds are what made him start to cum.

"F-fuck... B-Bunny! Ah!"
He gripped the pillow above his head and released into your mouth.

You swallowed all of his seed before licking back up his cock, making it twitch. You sat up and licked your lips, giving him a smile before wiping your mouth.

You didn't have chance to move or speak before his tentacles extended and he quickly wrapped them around you. He used them to slip your underwear off before pulling you up the bed and sat you on his face.

His tongue went straight to your clit as he retracted his tentacles and held you firmly against his face. This was his favourite thing to do to you, he absolutely loved the taste of you and he was so enthusiastic when he did it too. He wasn't silent either, he always made pleasured sighs and moans when tasting you.

His tongue swirled around your clit and tried to lick every inch of you. You gripped the headboard and moaned as he sucked on your clit and flicked his tongue across it.

You threw your head back and started rocking your hips.

His hands cupped your ass and squeezed, keeping you held firmly against his face as he enjoyed every second. He dipped his tongue in and out of you, and he moaned in pleasure as he did.

He perfectly worked his tongue, it never took long for him to get you close. You could feel yourself tightening and your back started to heat up.

You moaned out and gripped the headboard tighter.

He kept the exact same pace, licking and sucking on your clit. He squeezed your ass, holding you firmly against him as your legs began to shake. He could feel you getting closer and he was enjoying every second of it.

"Oh god!"
You loudly moaned as you felt yourself start to cum.

Thats when he turned his tongue into a tentacle and curled it up. You squeezed his tongue as he pushed it in and out of you during your orgasm, making the pressure inside you build. He knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted you to squirt again. He was definitely going to get what he wanted. He kept going at the same pace and your legs started to shake again.

You nearly screamed as the pressure released and you came over his face.

He happily swallowed and licked you clean, humming in pleasure as he slowly lifted you off his face and licked his lips. You smiled at him before bending down and giving him a small kiss.

"I still stand by what I said last time, your tongue is definitely my favourite thing."


The rest of the weekend with Tamaki was pretty much the same. There was a lot of sex but every now and then you'd stop to eat or just to talk and cuddle. Tamaki gave the best hugs, they were always so warm and soothing. And whenever you went to sleep, you held up your end of the deal and let him use you as a cockwarmer.

He seemed to really enjoy it, and it definitely made him more horny during the night. But you weren't complaining, it's one of the reasons you made the deal with him in the first place.

He was sad to see you leave, he really enjoyed spending time with you. But you had to get back to UA since you had class tomorrow. It was late by the time you got back and it seemed like everyone was in bed, and once you'd put your bag in your room you'd remembered what Bakugo had said before you left.

So you decided to make your way to his room to see if he'd kept his word.

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