Chapter 46 - Loud

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You hadn't been asleep for long when you woke up to go to the bathroom. It took a while to get out from between Bakugo and Kirishima, but you managed it.

Since you were in Bakugo's room you just slipped your tank top and skirt on and that was it. After the bathroom you headed to the kitchen to get a drink. Your throat was dry but you weren't surprised.

"Oh! Hey Y/N!"
Midoriya smiled at you from in front of the kitchen sink, taking a sip of water.

"Can't sleep?"
You asked as you reached into the cupboard for a glass.

"It's kind of hard to..."
He blushed as he rinsed out his glass.
"You guys are quite loud, especially Kacchan."

He moved away from the sink and you filled your glass up.
"Jealous it's not you?"
You smiled playfully at him, making him blush.

"I-what? N-No!"

You giggled at him.
"I'm just messing around."
You downed almost the entire glass of water.
"Besides, if you ever want to all you need to do is ask me."
You rinsed out the rest of your glass and turned to face him.

Midoriya's face lit up slightly.

You smiled up at him.

"Well uh, what about tomorrow?"


"Yeah! A-after class I mean..."

You hooked your fingers round the hem of his shorts and pulled him into you, he whimpered slightly as his body hit yours.
"Just keep your door unlocked for me."

You reached up to kiss him and his arms instinctively wrapped round you, holding you against him. Your hands kept a tight grip on his shorts as he backed you up against the counter.

His hands reached down to your ass to pick you up and sit you on the counter top. He placed his hands on either side of you to keep himself steady.

You panted as he started to kiss down your neck.

"I don't want to wait until tomorrow..."
His hands trailed up your thighs, slowly pushing your skirt up. He wasn't being quiet either.

You didn't know if you could take anymore tonight, but you still wrapped your legs around his waist and started to undo his shorts.

"You done?"
You abruptly stopped and turned to see a shirtless Bakugo with his hands in his pockets.

Midoriya jumped back from you, his face a dark shade of red.

You hopped off the counter.

"You were taking too long."
Bakugo grabbed your hand and started dragging you off.
"You're going to have to wait. Damn Deku!"
Bakugo growled as he left the kitchen with you.

Midoriya didn't say a word in response and Bakugo swiftly walked you back to his room. As soon as he got you both back he shut the door, almost slammed it, and locked it.

"Why are you so loud?!"
Kiri mumbled from the bed.

"She was in the kitchen with the damn nerd."
He grunted as he took his sweats off.

"In my defense, I didn't expect him to be there."
You spoke as you removed your clothes again.

You slipped back into the bed and Kirishima held you from behind. Bakugo got in after you, putting your leg over his to get back into position. You rested your head into Bakugo's chest and his hand went straight into your hair.

"Don't be going back on the deal, idiot."
Bakugo huffed as he started to stroke the back of your head.

"I'm not."

"Go to sleep, both of you."
Kirishima mumbled.
"We do actually have class tomorrow you know."

"I know that dumbass!"
Bakugo grunted and it made you giggle a little.

"Then sleep."
Kirishima mumbled again and held you a bit tighter.

You didn't realise how possessive Bakugo would get after making the deal, and yet it was somewhat attractive to you. You also found Bakugo's jealousy kind of adorable, regardless of whether he'd actually admit if he's jealous or not.


Bakugo did not want to let you out of his sight the next day, most likely because he heard what Midoriya had said about not wanting to wait until tomorrow. If he had his own way, it would be him and only him for the entire week.

But he didn't have his own way, except during the night. So after class you placed your stuff in your room and went straight for Midoriya's room before Bakugo could stop you.

You got to his room and the door was unlocked, meaning he did what you said. When you walked in, he was sat at his desk and happily smiled at you.


"Hey Izuku!"
You smiled back and locked the door behind you, this time you refused to be interrupted.

You walked over towards him and he stood up to meet you. Before you even had a chance to say anything else, he grabbed your hips and pulled you against him. His hands went straight to your ass to lift you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You used your legs to hold yourself up while he knocked his things off his desk and onto the floor.

He seemed desperate, he's never really had a chance to completely have you to himself. You had a feeling this was going to be fun.

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