🍋Chapter 5 - Bakugo Part 1🍋

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You couldn't move anything other than your hips, so you rolled them to rub yourself against his thigh. His hands snapped to your hips and gripped them tight, holding you against his thigh while you continued to rub against him.

You gently latched your teeth onto his bottom lip, pulling it back slightly. He groaned and dug his fingers into your hips. You pulled back a bit, biting your own lip and looking up at him.

He didn't let you stay away, he roughly grabbed your face and pulled you into him again. Once your head was off the door, he used his other hand to wrap your hair in his fist.

You tangled your fingers in his hair and kept rubbing along his thigh, he groaned against your lips again. As he pressed against you, you could already feel his cock starting to grow.

He couldn't take much more and picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist. His hands firmly gripped your ass as he walked both of you over to the bed.

He threw you down on it and got on top, pinning you to it and didn't break the kiss for a single moment. With one hand he pinned both of yours above your head and his other went straight to your jeans, swiftly unbuttoning them and pulling them down.

Your underwear soon followed and his head descended between your legs. He let your hands go so that he could hold onto both thighs with a tight grip.

Your back arched as he licked up from your entrance to your clit and he trailed circles around it with his tongue. As he licked and sucked, your high began to build so you reached for his hair.

He groaned against you, sending vibrations through your body. He licked back down, dipping his tongue inside you. He gave your clit a gentle nibble before pushing his tongue inside as far as he could, swirling it around to taste every inch of you.

As you bucked your hips against his face and pulled at his hair, his grip on your thighs tightened in response and he growled.

He continued to work his tongue and you pulled at his hair and Bakugo felt like he was starting to turn feral from just the taste of you. He wanted to make you cum, and then he wanted to be inside you. He wanted it so bad that he was so hard it was beginning to hurt.

He pushed a finger inside you, soon followed by another and curled them both up. You could feel yourself getting closer by the second. With his fingers now inside you, he could feel it too. He pumped his fingers in and out of you while licking and sucking at your clit, which was now turning sensitive.

You moaned as you clamped down around his fingers.

He growled against you as you came, your hips rocking against him. He slowly pulled his fingers out and licked you clean. He sat up onto his knees and looked at you while sucking his fingers clean.

He demanded and tugged at your shirt.

"Or what?"
You playfully smirked at him.

A primal growl erupted from him as he straddled your body and gripped your throat.
"Or I won't be gentle."

"Who said I wanted gentle?"

He squeezed your throat and pulled you up to him, roughly kissing you. You moaned softly against his lips and you could hear him unbuckling his pants.

He let go of your throat and pulled your shirt over your head, your bra soon following. He pulled his shirt off too, climbing off you to remove his pants and boxers and standing at the side of the bed.

"So you like it rough now huh?"
He chuckled and grabbed you by the throat again and pulled you to him.
"Then I'll show you rough."
He growled and grabbed a fistful of your hair, pushing your head down onto his cock.

You moaned against him and licked your tongue along his shaft while he bobbed your head. He pushed himself down and into your throat until your face was pressed against him.

He held you in place until you started gagging. You had to grab onto his hips to steady yourself. He pulled your head back and you looked up at him, gasping for breath but also smiling.

He smirked at you.
"Look at you, with that lewd expression."
He roughly and briefly kissed your lips, before pushing you back onto the bed and crawling on top of you.

"So rough and dominant."
You licked your lips and looked up at him, spreading your legs for him.

"You're a good little slut aren't you?"
He had a pleasured, dark smile across his face as he rubbed his tip against your entrance.

"Is that what you'd like, Katsuki?"
You smiled up at him, but he just smirked.

"How rough?"
He started to tease you, pushing his tip inside before pulling it back out.

"How rough can you go?"
You bit your lip and looked up at him through your eyelashes.

He pinned your hands above your head without a word, and with one hand.
"I love those lewd expressions..."
He cooed and kissed at your neck, licking and sucking to mark you.
"Now be lewd for Daddy."
He groaned and pushed himself into you.

The second he bottomed out he started thrusting, quickly picking up the pace. While keeping you pinned with one hand, he placed the other on your abdomen to feel how deep he was going.

You moaned as he began to slam into you.

He moaned loudly and watched your facial expressions.
"You feel so good!"
He growled and slammed into you harder.

Your back arched and a loud moan escaped, your second high was building. He was very vocal and it was making your orgasm build faster.

He took his hand off your abdomen and instead started to rub circles around your sensitive clit. Your hips bucked against him and your arms pulled at his hand that was pinning you.

Following your reactions he decided to thrust faster and harder. Grunting and growling with each thrust and you started to clamp down around him. Both of you were moaning quite loudly, the sounds of both of your moans filled the room alongside the slapping of skin.

You moaned loudly as he pulled all the way out and slammed back in, knocking you over your edge.

He moaned loudly, letting go of your wrists and wrapping both arms around you. So you did the same to him.
He moaned loudly again, pulling you up to him and kissing you. He stilled inside you and came as you dragged your nails down his back. He let out a small hiss as your nails scratched against his skin.

He held you tightly against him and you felt him twitch inside you. He bit your lip and groaned before letting go of you and resting his head in the crook of your neck, placing his hands on the bed beside you to steady himself.

You were both panting to catch your breaths, he slowly pulled out and laid down beside you. You decided not to drain the energy from his high, you were already healed.

"If this is the result I get by making you jealous of Izuku then maybe I should do it more often."
You shot him a cheeky grin.

"Shut up dumbass."
He scoffed and you just laughed.

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