Chapter 4 - Back to dorms

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"Fucking hell kid."
Hawks panted and he looked over to you.
"I'm going to need your number, that's the quickest anyone's ever helped."

"I have to agree with bird brain over here, I'm going to need your number."

You grinned and looked over at them both.
"I definitely wouldn't complain."
You rolled over on your side and trailed a finger down Hawks' chest.
"You two are quite delicious after all."

"Keep talking like that baby bird and I'll go again."

You sat up and smirked at him.
"That just sounds fun."

You heard a chuckle as Dabi sat up.
"You definitely are fun, little mouse."


After one last day with your family, you were finally going back to the dorms. After seeing Dabi in normal lighting, you recognized him from the League of Villains. The fact that you slept with a villain and pro hero at the same time really gave you a kick.

It was also rather fun having their numbers. Partly because it was fun being able to torment both a pro hero and a villain and partly because their messages made you feel good. Two men already wanted you and your quirk had been fully manifested for barely a week.

Theo dropped you off at the school gates and you were getting excited for the reactions you were going to get. The full manifestation of your quirk definitely gave you a small narcissistic streak and also severely increased your confidence, which definitely amused Hawks. The new clothes you'd gotten after going on a shopping spree with Luna definitely helped your confidence too.

You headed through the front doors and up into the common room of the dorm, you heard a lot of laughing and shouting which meant everyone was probably there. You pulled your suitcase behind you as you opened the door, and that's when heads turned.

Midoriya and Todoroki were in the kitchen, both of their eyes widened and Midoriya started to choke on the water he was drinking. Denki and Shinso looked over the back of the couch and just stared, completely open mouthed. As Kirishima looked over, he was wide eyed and his mouth dropped open slightly. Even Bakugo's mouth had fallen open a little, but he still kept his arms crossed. Everyone else had also just stopped and stared.

Todoroki asked as he walked over to you.
"You look... good."
He smiled at you.

Midoriya quickly followed behind, pink already starting to cover his cheeks.

You grinned at them and the others started to follow them. So you decided to focus your eyes and the auras you saw gave you tingle of enjoyment down your spine.

Bakugo's aura kept flicking back and forth between purple and red, which meant he was fighting against what he was feeling. Denki's was purely just red, but more stable than the aura you'd witnessed with Hawks. Midoriya had a fierce purple aura while Todoroki, Shinso and Kirishima's were a calm purple. Everyone else in the room had a completely calm blue aura.

"What the hell happened to you?"
Bakugo barked as he pushed by everyone else and stood in front of you.
"You look almost like a completely different person."

"It turns out that my Succubus quirk couldn't fully manifest until my birthday."

Midoriya's eyes lit up as he pushed past Bakugo.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"
You smirked, almost purring at him as you extended your nail into a claw and gently dragged it under his chin. His cheeks were now a deep shade of red to match his now fierce red aura.

After you did that, the aura of every single one of the guys in front of you also flashed a fierce red.
"See you later boys."
You smiled and sauntered off to your room.

Midoriya just stood there, heart pounding and face burning while all the other boys watched you walk off.

"That was so hot."
Denki breathed out.

Midoriya swallowed hard.
"She's... she's uh... very different..."

Bakugo grunted.
"She's a damn succubus and you're all falling for her quirk."
He stomped off towards the rooms.

Todoroki murmured and headed back to the kitchen.


Just as you were about to close your door after unpacking, a hand slammed against it to keep it open.

It was Bakugo.

"What the hell was that down there with Deku?"
He barked at you, so you focused your eyes again.

"I have no idea what you're on about."
You smiled innocently at him.

His eyes narrowed at you while his aura briefly flared red again.
"Stop playing coy, dumbass."
He pushed you back and slammed your door closed.

You stumbled a little and bit your lip to stifle a giggle. You'd barely been back five minutes and you'd already teased someone.

"Aw, is someone getting mad?"
You teased. This made Bakugo grab your shirt, spin you around and pin you against the door with his body.

"What the fuck is going on with you?"
He growled and slammed his hands beside your head, making your heart race with excitement.

You noticed his thigh was between your legs, keeping you pinned as you smirked up at him.
"My quirk is Succubus, and now it's matured with my body."
You pushed your body against his thigh and bit your lip, watching his aura flash to red and staying that way.
"Is that going to be a problem for you?"

He scoffed.

"Oh, so you're just mad I touched Izuku before you. Is that right, Katsuki?"

You watched his eyes dilate as you purred his first name along with the tease. He growled before crashing his lips against yours and pressing his body against you.

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