🍋Chapter 34 - BakuDekuTodo Part 1🍋

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Bakugo growled, pulling away from your lips and shot a glare to the door.
"I'm not going to slow down just for you two idiots."
He returned to your lips, his hands trailing down your body and nearly ripping your shorts off.

The other two boys made their way to the bed. While Bakugo broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head, Todoroki pulled your tank top over yours. You bit your lip as all three boys trailed their eyes over your body.

Todoroki bent down to kiss your lips while unbuttoning his shirt, Midoriya was quickly undoing his own pants while Bakugo had already removed his own and threw them across the room.

Bakugo grabbed your legs, pulling you down and away from Todoroki's lips. With his eagerness to be the first to enter you, it gave the other boys the chance to undress. Bakugo pushed into you with a groan and wrapped his arms around you.

You flung your head back and moaned, he didn't even start slow. He was already thrusting into you hard and deep, he wanted you to himself for a while before the others joined in. He didnt get much chance for that though, once Todoroki's pants and Midoriya's shirt hit the floor.

"Time to share, Katsuki."
You moaned with a smile.

He growled, flipping you both over so you were on top. You laid down against his chest and he briefly stopped his thrusts. This position was perfect for the other two boys.

"Hurry up then."
Bakugo growled.

Todoroki crawled onto the bed behind you and Midoriya in front of you. Midoriya gently kissed your lips while he stroked himself and Todoroki trailed a hot finger down your back.

You looked up at Midoriya, opening your mouth so he could push himself inside and you wrapped your lips around his tip. He moaned at the feeling of your lips and Todoroki positioned himself at your ass. You heard him spit then he slowly and carefully pushed inside you.

Once Todoroki was deep inside you, Bakugo started thrusting again. Your moans were muffled against Midoriya's cock as Todoroki slowly started to move.

Bakugo groaned as he slammed into you.

Todoroki thrusted faster into you, you didn't even need to move along Midoriya's cock. You closed your eyes, your moans continued to be muffled against him and you swirled your tongue around his cock.

Midoriya moaned, gripping onto your hair and flung his head back.

Your legs started to shake, your denied orgasm from earlier already building back up. Todoroki was almost matching Bakugo's pace and your hips rocked back against both of their cocks, while your tongue tasted Midoriya's.

All three boys moaned at the same time and Bakugo tightly gripped your hips. Your hands were beside his head, keeping yourself steady as Midoriya pushed into your throat and your pussy started to clamp down.

Todoroki and Bakugo thrusted deep and hard, making Midoriya's cock go deeper. You gagged and Midoriya moaned louder. Your hips rocked back and Bakugo rammed his cock into you, sending you over the edge.

You released, your body shaking as you squeezed down on both of their cocks with your orgasm. Bakugo bent his knees and titled his hips to ram you at an angle, while Todoroki moved a hand to your front and started to rub your clit with a hot finger.

If your mouth wasn't full, you would have screamed. Midoriya felt the furious vibrations from your muffled moan and his cock twitched, you also felt the pressure inside you build. You were losing your ability to do anything, no longer able to lick across Midoriya's length.

Todoroki rubbed you harder, carefully pinching your clit while Bakugo just slammed into you like an animal. Your body convulsed as the pressure inside you released and you came all over Bakugo's cock.

"Fuck Y/N!"
Bakugo growled and moaned loudly, he'd never seen you squirt before but he still didn't slow down because he wanted more.

Midoriya pushed his twitching cock down your throat as he came.
Midoriya moaned, releasing into your mouth.

Todoroki wasn't far behind, he loved the feeling and sight of you cumming while being triple stuffed.
He moaned, pulling his hand away from your sensitive clit and pressing his forehead against the back of your neck.

Todoroki twitched inside and filled you, Bakugo still thrusting and you swallowed every drop from Midoriya. Midoriya panted, pulling out of your mouth and sitting back to take a breather.

Todoroki's cock stopped twitching and he pulled out with a small groan, sitting back on his knees. You felt his seed drip out of you and down to Bakugo's cock. Bakugo was getting closer too, his thrusts were getting sloppy but you were tightening again.

Todoroki and Midoriya got off the bed, stretching their knees out. Bakugo grabbed you by your throat, giving it a small squeeze. His other hand went straight to your sensitive clit to rub you.

You moaned out, throwing your head back in pleasure as he worked you.
Your legs squeezed his sides and your pussy squeezed his cock.

Midoriya and Todoroki were growing hard again, from the sounds of your moans and the sight of you cumming on Bakugo's cock. Bakugo rubbed you through your orgasm, your legs shaking until you stopped squeezing him.

Bakugo growled.
He pushed deep into you and you felt his cock twitch.

You tried to talk, moaning as you felt Bakugo cum.
"I think we should sex train Izuku..."

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