🍋Chapter 36 - Bakugo🍋

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You were woken up during the night from small thrusts inside you and quiet grunts in your ear, so you rolled your hips back with a quiet moan and Bakugo's cock twitched inside you.

You moaned softly, lifting your head up to look at him.
"We can't..."
You bit your lip when he gave you a small, hard thrust.
"They're right next to us..."
You looked to your slide, seeing them both fast asleep with Midoriya in Todoroki's arms.

He smirked at you, gripping your hips.
"I did tell them it wouldn't stop me."
He thrusted deep into you and you had to grip his shoulders to steady yourself as your back arched.
"If you're worried they'll hear you, then just shut up."
He grabbed your throat to pull your head down to kiss him.

You softly moaned into his mouth and he pushed his tongue into yours. He squeezed your throat and rocked his hips, thrusting slow and deep. You lifted your hips up to ride him, matching his pace with ease.

He kept a firm grip on your throat and his tongue explored your mouth. He moaned in pleasure and so did you, your mouths muffling your sounds. You rolled your hips and you could feel yourself getting closer.

He thrusted into you hard, making you whimper against his mouth. He took his hand off your hip and moved it to your clit, gently rubbing you. You stopped moving your hips, your body slowly becoming overcome with pleasure and Bakugo was enjoying every second of it.

You were clamping down around him and he could feel it, he rubbed you faster and squeezed your throat harder to send a buzz to your head. You whimpered as you squeezed his cock, gripping his shoulders tighter and your legs began to shake.

Bakugo pulled back from your lips.
He groaned, he loved the feeling of you cumming on his cock.

He snapped both hands to your hips, thrusting harder as you rode out your orgasm.
You moaned softly, biting your lip to keep yourself quiet.

He growled, pushing his cock as deep as it could go to fill you up.

You whimpered after your orgasm, collapsing down against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, keeping you pressed tightly against him as he filled you with his seed. Even after his cock stopped twitching, he didn't let you move.

You whispered.

"I already said you were going to be my cockwarmer tonight."
He whispered back, but not as quietly as you.
"So you're staying here."
He squeezed you a little, holding you tight.

You laughed a little in response to him.
You snuggled your head into the crook of his neck.
"But at least let me sleep a little before you fuck me again."

He chuckled in response.
"No promises."

You giggled in response to him and he moved one of his hands up to stroke your hair, which almost instantly lulled you to sleep. He never really cared using words, it was always small actions that could tend to go unnoticed.

"You're not as quiet as you think you are."
Todoroki mumbled from behind Midoriya.

Midoriya was still fast sleep, Todoroki was looking at you both from over Midoriya's shoulder. Bakugo scoffed and glared at him while still stroking the back of your head. It made you sigh contentedly in your sleep and you snuggled into Bakugo's neck.

"Shut up Icy Hot."

"Why do you get so possessive over her?"
He asked quietly, making sure to not wake either you or Midoriya.

"I don't need to tell you, idiot."

"Why not just enjoy this?"
Todoroki asked.

Bakugo growled in response, and in annoyance. You moved in your sleep and so did Midoriya, he turned around and sleepily snuggled into Todoroki's chest.

"You'll wake them both Bakugo."

Bakugo grumbled.
"I don't like sharing okay?"

"I don't think you have a choice, Bakugo."

"I know that dumbass."
He grumbled again.
"Doesn't mean I can't try to be the only one."

Todoroki half smiled.
"Just enjoy what you've got, I am."

"Shut up."
He kept hold of you, turning on his side and facing away from Todoroki.

He kept your leg over him and pushed one of his between yours to make sure he could stay inside you. He held your head against his chest and in your sleep you wrapped your arms around him. He rested his head on top of yours, still slightly annoyed and sighing as he tried to get some sleep.

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