🍋Chapter 11 - TodoDeku🍋

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He said simply and shut the door, locking it behind him and making his way over to you both.

"Y/N! Todoroki!"
Midoriya couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

Midoriya had to sit there, hands tied behind his back as Todoroki pulled you to him and kissed you in front of Midoriya. His hands instantly reached for your ass, squeezing it and pulling you tight against him as you moaned into his mouth.

Midoriya was beginning to get hard again just from the sight.
He nearly begged.
"Please untie my hands!"

You giggled against Todoroki's lips before pulling back and looking over at Midoriya, who's face was red and cock was starting to twitch.

You smirked and started removing your clothes, Todoroki doing the same.

Midoriya whimpered and pulled at the belt, his cock now fully hard at the sight of your naked body. You walked back over to him and Todoroki followed.

Midoriya pleaded and looked up at you as you straddled him. Todoroki was behind you and you could feel his hard cock pressing against you.

"Say please again."
You gently dragged your thumb across Midoriya's bottom lip and used your other hand to reach for him between your legs.

He looked up at you with pleading eyes and Todoroki started to kiss across your shoulder. You guided Midoriya to your entrance, slowly lowering yourself down on him.

He begged and moaned as he bottomed out inside you.

"You heard him Shoto."
You smirked and held onto Midoriya's shoulders, slowly starting to ride him.

Todoroki crawled onto the bed behind Midoriya and untied his hands before going back behind you. Midoriya's hands snapped to your hips with a tight grip.

You rolled your hips against Midoriya, both of you moaning out at the feeling. You started to feel Todoroki's cock press against your ass and he started to kiss along your neck.

"Can I?"
He asked with a whisper and trailed a cold finger down your back, making you shiver.

You moaned out as Midoriya pushed you down harder.

You heard Todoroki spit just before his hands went to your ass, spreading you as he entered. You dug your nails into Midoriya's shoulders as Todoroki pushed himself deep inside you, both boys moaning at the same time. You couldn't move on your own anymore with both of them deep inside you.

Todoroki slowly started to move inside you.
"Lean back on your hands Midoriya, then you can move."
He said simply and Midoriya nodded, leaning back on his hands and slowly thrusting his hips up into you.

Todoroki held you up, one hand cupping your breast and the other finding its way between your legs. You moaned again and it made Midoriya thrust a bit harder.

Todoroki was thrusting slow and gentle so you could get used to him. Midoriya was thrusting slow and hard, repeatedly hitting the spot inside you.

Todoroki kissed and nipped at your shoulder while the hand cupping your breast started to get colder, and his thrusts got a bit harder.
You moaned and leaned your head back against him, Midoriya panted and thrusted hard and deep.
You moaned and your legs started to shake as Todoroki's hand between your legs got warmer and rubbed circles around your clit.

Todoroki's cold fingers pinched your nipple, and one more hard thrust from Midoriya made you hit your orgasm.
You moaned as the orgasm hit harder than you expected and Todoroki started to thrust a bit faster.

You were shaking and panting against both boys, your head starting to spin. Todoroki's hands swapped positions, the hot one now squeezing at your other breast while the cold one circled your clit.

You moaned louder and your hips rocked at the new feeling.

Your legs were shaking and your next high was building fast. You started to clamp down around Midoriya and he could feel it, you were getting close and so was he.

Todoroki kept an even pace even though he was starting to get close. His hot hand pinched your nipple and his cold one started to rub you faster.

Midoriya's hips thrusted hard for the last time and he twitched inside you as he released.

You clamped down hard against Midoriya, moaning loudly as you came again.
"Izuku! Shoto!"
Your hands grabbed at Todoroki's hands, digging your nails into his skin as your orgasm knocked the wind out of your chest.

Todoroki moaned next to your ear, pushing deep into you and filling you up.

Midoriya fell back against the bed and your body was shaking against both boys. Todoroki placed a small kiss on your shoulder before slowly pulling out. You whimpered as his cock left you, but your body was weak and you collapsed on top of Midoriya.

Midoriya's arms wrapped around you, holding you close and you both were breathing heavily. Todoroki flopped down on the bed beside you both, trying to catch his breath.

"That was amazing..."
You breathed out and slowly rolled off Midoriya, lying down next to Todoroki.

"I definitely want to do it again."
Todoroki said as he gently pulled you into his chest.

"M-me too!"
Midoriya moved further onto the bed, laying next to you and hugging you from behind.

"I have no complaints."
You giggled and your eyelids started to feel heavy.

Midoriya's face nuzzled the back of your neck, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Todoroki wasn't far behind, so you fell asleep with both of them.

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