🍋Chapter 57 - Dabi Part 1🍋

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"Hey Dabi... I need to take my mind off things."

"And you call me? You're learning well baby."

"Yeah well... I need somewhere to come see you."

"My apartment."

"You have an apartment?"

"Of course I do. Bird Brain's was just closer."

"Okay... well just you and no Keigo this time okay?"

You heard him chuckle on the other end.

Once the call ended, Dabi texted you his address and you quickly changed into some more presentable clothes. You made your way to your balcony, spread your wings and took off for Dabi's apartment.


You knocked on his apartment door and you were actually nervous. Last time you'd slept with Dabi you'd barely been able to walk, and this time there was no Hawks to fly you back.

As the door opened your heart pounded in your chest. You looked up to see the tall, dark haired man smirking down at you.

He didn't even speak, he just wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his apartment. He slammed the door shut behind you and pinned you against it.

His lips ghosted your neck as he chuckled darkly in your ear.
"There must be some pretty brutal shit going on in that pretty little head of yours for you to call me."
His hand snapped up and grabbed your throat, making you whimper.
"Not that I'm complaining..."

When you looked up at him, you almost sighed in relief. His eyes weren't the same as the others, they were a bright and shining blue that looked hungry.

He crashed his lips onto yours and squeezed your throat to make you moan into his mouth. His tongue darted straight into yours and almost instantly dominated your tongue. As they slid across one another, that's when you felt his tongue piercing and it made you shiver.

You were stripping one another during the kiss and once you were completely naked he picked you up, walked you to the bed and slammed you down on it.

He stood back and was stroking himself as he admired your naked body on his bed.
"You want me inside you, don't you Little Mouse?"
He was looking down at you and you nodded.
"I want to hear you say it."

You bit your lip and looked up at him.
"I want you inside me..."

You got a huge shiver up your spine at the dark grin that appeared on his face.

"Then you're going to have to work for it..."
He continued to stroke himself as his eyes scanned your body.
"Like the slutty little bitch you are."


"You're going to make yourself cum for me, while I watch."

You laid back on the bed, Dabi watching you intently. You spread your legs for him and it made his cock twitch. You pushed your hand between your legs and started to rub yourself.

You gently rubbed your clit in circles with one of your fingers, while Dabi was watching and stroking himself. You were struggling to keep eye contact with Dabi, he was intimidating.

This was actually turning you on more than you thought it would, and Dabi was definitely enjoying the sight of you playing with yourself.

You rubbed your clit faster. You were trying to get yourself to cum as fast as you could so that you could get Dabi inside you.

You moaned gently as you pushed two fingers inside yourself and curled them up. You pumped your fingers in and out of yourself and Dabi stroked himself faster.

You pumped your fingers faster, but your back didn't arch like it usually would. It seems like Dabi watching you was making it harder for you to cum.

But with what he was about to do, that was going to change quite quickly.

"Aw, are you struggle to make yourself cum Little Mouse?"
He lowered his voice.
"Do you need some help?"
He smirked at you.

You nodded at him, slightly panting as he knelt on the bed in front of you. His hand trailed up your thigh while he stroked himself faster.

"Say please, beg for me to help."

As he smirked down at you, you saw some pre-cum start to drip from his tip. He was getting close.

"D-Dabi... please."
You begged.
"Please help me cum."

"Good girl."
He cooed.
"Take your fingers out and keep your legs spread."

You did as he said, your heart was pounding. You had no idea what he was going to do. His fingers dug into your thigh and he groaned as he looked down at you.

He stroked himself for a little while longer, until he started to cum. His hot cum shot out, covering your abdomen and the outside of your pussy.

He smirked at you.
"There you go, use that to help you cum."

You pushed your fingers through his cum, rubbing it all over the outside of your pussy. His hot cum actually felt amazing, and the feeling of it rubbing across your clit made your orgasm start to build.

You pushed two cum covered fingers inside yourself and curled them up, your back instantly arching off the bed. You reached up to the pillow above you, grabbing onto it with your other hand. Your breaths staggered and you felt yourself tighten around your fingers.

"You sound like you're getting close. Are you going to cum for your master?"

You panted.

Dabi stroked himself again, already hard as he watched you work yourself to an orgasm.
"Then cum for me."

His voice was low and demanding which knocked your body over the edge. Your fingers slipped out of you as you started to cum.

Dabi groaned as he watched the sight of your pulsing, cum covered pussy. He climbed on top of you, grabbing your wrist and putting your hand to your mouth.

"Clean yourself up."

He kept ahold of your wrist as you put your fingers into your mouth, licking them clean. He climbed off the bed and pulled you to the edge of it by your ankles.

"You're a good little slut, are you ready for this cock?"

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