🍋Chapter 51 - Dabi Part 1🍋

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You were on your knees with one of Dabi's hands firmly in your hair. After Hawks had completely left, you became painfully aware of just how dominating Dabi was as he towered above you.

He bent down to kiss you.
"I've missed your mouth baby."
He stood back up and freed himself from his boxers.
"Now are you going to be a good little bitch and suck you master right here, or are you going to be a naughty little brat who ends up with a handprint burn on their ass?"

You licked your lips and your mouth watered at his pierced cock in front of you.
"Both sound fun."

"Pick one."
He demanded as he rubbed his tip against your lips.

You kissed his tip before opening your mouth and he pushed his cock inside, groaning as your tongue licked his shaft. With a tight grip on your hair, he bobbed your head back and forth at his pace.

You licked along his shaft, flicking your tongue along his Jacob's Ladder as he moved you.

He groaned and tilted his head back.

He pushed your head further down his cock until he entered your throat. He held you there and made you gag, he enjoyed watching you choking and becoming breathless on his cock.

Your hands snapped to his thighs to steady yourself. He held you there for a few more moments before pulling you off. You gasped for breath as his cock left your mouth, a saliva trail still connecting you both. His cock twitched as he watched the sight beneath him.

As soon as your breath was back he filled your mouth again. You tried to lick his shaft to please him, but he was thrusting into your mouth and making you gag with nearly every thrust. You had to hold onto his thighs as he fucked your mouth, almost making your eyes water.

He was really enjoying himself, and each chance you got you made sure to lick around his piercings and flick your tongue across his tip.

He finally stopped bobbing your head for you, allowing you to please him yourself.
"Show your master what you can do."
He moaned as you licked from the bottom of his shaft to his tip.

You maintained eye contact the whole time, earning a pleasured growl from him. You wrapped your lips back around the tip and placed your hand around his shaft.

You licked and sucked his tip while pumping his shaft, trying to keep your hand movements in time with your mouth. He was moaning, his grip on your hair tightened as his breaths staggered. He was already getting close, it had been a while for him.

"Fuck baby..."
He moaned, throwing his head back as his cock twitched.

You bobbed your head and pumped your hand faster. You were eager for him to cum so you could get out of this building and go somewhere more private.

You were about to get your wish as he groaned in pleasure.
"I want you to swallow it all."
He demanded as he pushed into your throat and stilled.

You felt his hot cum hit the back of your tongue and you swallowed it like he demanded. He let go of your hair when his cock stopped twitching. You drained his high, taking quite a bit of energy from it. You felt like you were going to need it.

You sucked the tip and licked along the shaft to make sure that his entire cock was clean. He looked down at you with a smirk as he adjusted himself back into his boxers.

He bent down to your level.
"Open your mouth."
You did as he said and stuck your tongue out to show you'd swallowed.
"You're such a good girl."
He cooed and pulled your face to him to kiss you.

He stood back up, fastening up his pants. You stood up with him and he grabbed you by your ass to pull you to him. He squeezed your ass and gave it a hard slap, eliciting a small moan from you.

"It's hot having a hero on her knees for me."
He smirked and his lips ghosted yours.
"It's time to go make our time together more fun."

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