Chapter 13 - Flying

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You'd both ended up falling asleep in the field. When you woke up, you were on your side and he was snuggling into you from behind. It had also gotten dark.

"Well this is just adorable, Kid."
The sound of Hawks' voice made you jump up and accidentally scaring Tamaki awake.

"Hawks! What are you doing here?"

When Tamaki looked up, his face went red.
He tried to hide his face from him.

"Suneater! Lovely to see you out and about. But I'm going to need to borrow my Baby Bird for a bit."

"Oh... oh! I'm sorry... I... I didn't know you two-"

"We're not."
You interrupted and stood up.
"I'm no ones, regardless if they think I am."

"Ah, well that would explain the lovely mark on your neck wouldn't it?"
Hawks just smiled and it made Tamaki more embarrassed.

"I didn't even see that..."
He mumbled and stood up.

"How did you even find me?"

"I saw you head over here on one of my rounds, I was actually flying back home but you're still here. It's dark, you shouldn't be asleep in public."

"I'm sorry... I'm just going to go..."
Tamaki started to walk off but you grabbed his arm.

"Don't be sorry."
You smiled at him as you turned around.
"I had fun, text me?"
He nodded and you gave him a hug before he left.

"Cute. But onto more important things, I need you baby bird."
He moved closer to you, his wings puffing up.

"Still in rut I see?"
You smirked as he grabbed you, picking you up before taking off.

"As much as I'd love to take you right there in the field, I want multiple rounds with you."
His breathing was getting heavier the longer he flew.

"Where are we even going?"

"My apartment."
His grip on you tightened the longer you flew, and you were beginning to smell his arousal.

"Hawks, you're losing it. Put me down and breathe."

"Put you down? You'll fall and die."

"I get the feeling you're about ready to just take me mid-air, put me down."
You started to wriggle.


"Put me down."
You wriggled harder.

"Stop mov-FUCK!"
He was so focused on controlling his arousal that he lost his grip on you. He looked down to catch you, but you weren't there.

"This is fun!"
You smirked at him, arms folded.

He looked back up and in front of him, stopping dead in his flight as his eyes scanned you. Your wings were outstretched and your tail was helping you keep your balance.

"I didn't know you had wings."
He grinned and detached a feather, using it to pull you to him.

"I just thought it would be fun to scare you a little."
You smiled back and he gripped your hips, pulling you in to kiss him.

You wrapped your legs around his waist, both of you using your wings to keep you both in the air. His hands had a firm grip on your ass and you tangled your fingers in his hair.

Your tongues shot into each other's mouths, gliding across each other as you both became hungry for more.

Hawks pulled back and groaned.
"If you keep going I actually will take you right here in the air..."
He kissed along your neck, nipping and sucking to mark the opposite side to Bakugo.

"As fun as that sounds..."
You smirked and bit your lip, tugging on his hair to make him look at you.

"I'd much rather take you up on your offer for multiple rounds."

"Oh you're definitely going to get that baby bird..."
He kissed you rough and hard, making you moan into his mouth.

He rocked his hips against you and you could feel him, you weren't sure he could wait any longer. You took your legs off him in an attempt to break you both apart. Instead, he took this opportunity to turn you around and press himself against you. He started kissing down your neck again as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Hawks come on..."
You rested your head against his shoulder.
"Not in the air, especially over an open space."

He groaned and rested his head against the back of yours.
He let you go.
"Try and keep up kid."
He grinned before shooting off ahead of you.

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