Chapter 49 - Massage

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Bakugo did wake you up later in the night, but he didn't fuck you as hard as usual. It was basically just a quickie, and you were thankful for it. You were still going along with the deal you made with him too, plus it was just warm and comfortable to sleep while being held against him.

It was really hard for you to concentrate let alone move during the day. It felt like your entire body was sore and you just seemed perpetually exhausted.

Once class was over you grabbed a comfy pair of shorts and the shirt Bakugo had given you, and headed for the shower. While you waited for the shower to heat up you stripped out of your school clothes. You took a deep breath and stepped into the hot water, letting out a sigh of comfort as the hot water hit your body.

You didn't even bother moving, you just stood still under the water and enjoyed the feeling it gave you. Last time your muscles ached it felt nice, but this time your entire body was exhausted and achy. It didn't give you as much relief as you'd hoped, but it certainly helped.

You slowly but thoroughly cleaned your entire body, not wanting to get out of the soothing water. You slightly massaged your own muscles, but you couldn't quite do it right and they still immensely ached. You were frustrated, your quirk wasn't healing you as well as it should.

Maybe it was because you were barely draining people, you were too busy enjoying yourself. You decided you probably needed to drain people more, especially if you were going to keep up with the current sexual appetite of the boys.

And speaking of the boys, as you stepped out of the shower you remembered that Denki was good at massages. Even though it turned sexual last time, he really knew how to massage your muscles and his quirk made it even better.

You dried yourself and went back to your room. After folding up your other clothes and drying your hair, you decided to make your way to Denki's room. Before you could get there though, you bumped into Midoriya.

"Hey I was just looking for you!"


He smiled and handed you some paper.
"I noticed you seemed distracted and tired in class today, so I noted down all the important things for you."

You took the paper.
"Thank you Izuku."
You smiled and gave him a hug, making his heart beat faster.

He rested his head on top of yours and wrapped his arms tightly around you. Hugging him was somewhat comforting and you sighed in contentment. However his hugs didn't beat Tamaki's hugs, you didn't think anybody's could.

You slowly pulled back from the hug and he smiled down at you, slightly blushing.
"You're welcome! If you ever need help just ask."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
You smiled up at him before heading back to your room.

You quickly placed Midoriya's notes on your desk and started making your way to Denki's room again. You knocked on the door and it opened quite quickly, a smiling Denki greeting you.

"Well hey Sunshine!"
He grinned at you.

"Hey Denki!"
You smiled back.
"Is it okay if I come in?"

"Yeah sure!"
He smiled and stepped aside to let you in, locking the door behind you.
"What's up?"

"Could I get one of your massages again please?"
You rubbed the back of your neck.
"My entire body just feels exhausted and in pain."

"Yeah of course!"
He smiled at you.
"Just lie down on the bed."

You slipped Bakugo's shirt off and Denki's face went red, you weren't wearing a bra.

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