🍋Chapter 21 - Aizawa Part 3🍋

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"I've never came like that before Aizawa I-"



"Shouta, that's my name."
He kissed the top of your head started massaging your wrists.

"O-okay, Shouta. Well, I've never came like that before. It was amazing."

"So you've never squirted before?"
He asked and you looked up at him.

"No... so that's what that was."
You smiled and he leaned down to kiss you gently.

You sighed happily as he carefully washed your body and hair, paying extra attention to your ankles and wrists by continuing to massage them gently.

"Are you okay?"
He asked when he was done, wrapping his arms around you again.

"Yes, thank you."

You thought for a moment, before turning around and straddling him without warning.

"And what's this?"
He asked with a smirk, moving his hands to your hips.

You flashed your eyes at him and bit your lip.
"You could just help me heal, you know."
You extended your nail into a claw, dragging it under his chin to lift his face up for a kiss.
"You said you heard the boys talk..."

"I did."
He smirked again and grabbed your ass, pulling you further into his lap.
"Now, how about you show me what they were so excited about, Kitty Cat?"

"As Daddy wishes."
You smirked and switched fully to your Succubus form.

His eyes and his hands trailed your body, taking extra care to feel your wings and tail to which you shivered under his touch. In your Succubus form you also had black horns, which Aizawa also decided to touch.

"I can see why the boys would get excited over this."

You bit your lip, a rush of brat energy rushing through you.
"No, this is what they get excited over."

Without warning, you flicked your tail out of the water to wrap it around his throat and squeezed. He groaned and followed it with a hard smack on your ass as he flashed his eyes at you and completely cancelled your quirk. Your entire Succubus form disappeared, and you whimpered as he lifted you up and slammed you down onto his cock. You were still sensitive.

His hand snapped to your throat and squeezed gently, making you moan.
"So you still have enough energy to be a naughty little kitty slut?"
He lifted you up and slammed you down again.
"Now, tell Daddy how you heal or you get spanked again."

"That doesn't exactly sound like a pu-AGH!"
He cut you off by slapping it so hard it began to sting.

"You were saying?"
He rolled his hips.

You bit your lip and moaned.
"I can heal by draining the sexual energy from someone's climax."

"Sounds fun."
He had a proud smirk on his face as he lifted you up and out of the water by your ass and carried you to the bedroom.

He released his quirk and laid back on the bed with you on top, as you both fell back your hands fell beside his head and he slammed back inside. Your hands went straight to his hair as he bent his knees so he could thrust fast and deep.

You moaned and rested your head in the crook of his neck.

He gave your ass another hard slap, then increased his pace to the point he was railing you and all you could do was lay there and moan. After another slap that made your ass sting, you started to tighten again. He knew how to work your body, especially since you were sensitive.

"Not yet kitty cat."
He moaned and kissed your shoulder.
"Not until I say, understand?"

"Yes Daddy."
You moaned back and tangled your fingers in his hair.

He kept a firm grip on your ass, periodically smacking it. Both cheeks were stinging, but the pain was helping your orgasm build faster. You kept getting tighter, squeezing his cock as he moaned and slid in and out of you.

You legs were beginning to shake, squeezing against his sides. Your hands tightened in his hair, pulling slightly as your hips rolled back with his thrusts and you could feel your body start to heat up.

You begged into his ear with a shaky breath.

"Please what?"
He kissed your shoulder.

"Let me cum."
You moaned and kissed his neck.
"I want to cum."
You licked and sucked at his neck.
"Please Daddy."
You begged.

"Then cum for me kitty cat."
He moaned and slapped your ass as you released.
"Good girl, cum for me."
He continued to rail you as you came, your body twitching and bucking as you felt that pressure build again.
"That's it, cum on Daddy's cock!"
He moaned and threw his head back as you pulled at his hair.

The pressure released and you felt the warm liquid drip down your legs again, the intensity of the orgasm making you scream in pleasure.

You were panting and shaking as you came down from your orgasm, and now all you wanted was for Aizawa to cum. You could tell he was close, his thrusts were getting sloppy.

"I want Daddy's cum..."
You moaned as you kissed his neck.

"Good girls get their wishes."
He squeezed your ass before slapping it again.
He growled as he slammed deep and twitched inside you.

The feeling of him filling you up made your Succubus instincts kick in this time, you kissed him and pushed your tongue in his mouth as you began to drain the energy from his climax. His tongue still managed to dominate yours, but he was moaning into your mouth and you could feel your sensitivity go down.

He carefully lifted you off him, his seed dripping out of you as he laid you down. The bed was soaked and stained but both of you laid there, heavily panting to catch your breaths.

After a few moments, he got up off the bed.
"I'll change the sheets."

You nodded and got up slowly, your legs were still shaking. You'd healed the sensitivity but your body was still weak due to the two huge orgasms Aizawa gave you. Once the sheets were changed, Aizawa handed you one of his shirts and a pair of boxers.

"Here, I'll put your clothes in the wash. You don't have to sleep naked."

"Thank you."
You smiled and started changing.

You slipped on the boxers, they were soft and comfy. His shirt almost drowned you as you buttoned it up. He came back into the room in a pair of boxers and smiled at you.

He slipped under the duvet and patted the mattress next to him. You smiled and slid in next to him and he pulled you into his chest. Your legs were still slightly shaking so he gently trailed his fingertips along your thighs.

With his arm wrapped around you and his fingers trailing along your skin, it didn't take you long to fall asleep.

Succubus - MHA Boys x Reader | OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now