Chapter 54 - Soothing

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You'd lost count of how many rounds they'd gone for, but by the end even a single touch on your pussy made your body jolt. They were thoroughly proud of themselves.

Hawks had dropped you back via your balcony, which you were glad for because you were struggling to walk. You tried to make it to Bakugo's room, but it was difficult as your pussy was hot and swollen from the immense overstimulation. You had to hold onto the wall to catch your breath while your legs shook.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"
Todoroki's voice called from behind you.

"N-No... n-not really..."

"What's wrong?"
He asked as he got closer to you.

"I w-was interning with H-Hawks."

"And you're struggling to walk?"

"Y-yes... overstim's a bitch."
You tried to laugh a little.

"I can help."
Without another word, he picked you up.

He had one arm under your legs and one arm around you while you clung onto him, breathing heavily. Your room was the closest, so he walked you back into it.


He sat down on the bed with you in his lap and started to move one hand under your shorts. But you grabbed his wrist to stop him, you really couldn't take anymore.

"Sh-Shoto no... I-I can't..."

He said simply and you looked up at him.
"I'm not trying to make you cum. I'm trying to help. Do you trust me?"

You thought for a moment, before slowly letting go of his wrist and nodding.

"Now just relax."
He slipped his hand under your shorts and underwear.

When his fingers started to touch you, your body jolted in his lap. But he held you firmly against him and that's when you felt his fingers cool down. They weren't too cold, but as he slowly and gently started to rub you they were starting to soothe you.

He made sure to be careful due to how sensitive you were as his cold fingers gently soothed your hot, swollen pussy. You sighed and started to relax your body, resting your head against Todoroki's shoulder.

"Th-Thank you."
You sighed happily, you were finally feeling some relief.

His fingers were cold and very gentle, they were almost ghosting you as they carefully rubbed you. You were still extremely sensitive, but his nice and cool touch was beginning to properly soothe you.

Your door opened, Todoroki had forgotten to lock it.
Bakugo said simply.

"H-hey Katsuki.."
You looked over to him and smiled.

"Icy Hot what-"

You interrupted Bakugo.
"H-he's helping, Katsuki."

Bakugo folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at Todoroki.

"She got seriously overstimulated. I'm cooling her down."

Bakugo huffed as he walked towards you both. When he got to you, he put his hand straight into your hair and you rested your head against his chest.

You hummed in contentment, Todoroki's hand was soothing you while Bakugo was stroking your head and keeping you comfortable.

"This position can't be comfortable."
Bakugo grunted.

"I-it is, somewhat..."

"No it's not. Come with me."
Bakugo removed his hand from you.
"You too Icy Hot."

Todoroki removed his hand from you while Bakugo hooked your legs over his arm and picked you up. You clung to him as you were still breathing fairly heavily. Bakugo walked out with you with Todoroki following behind. You ended up in Bakugo's room and he put you down.

"Take your clothes off."
Bakugo somewhat demanded and headed to his drawers.
"Then get in the bed."

At this point you didn't even question it and just did it, you were too exhausted and sensitive to even argue. Once you'd stripped he handed you one of his shirts to put on, and as you did Bakugo stripped down to his boxers.

You climbed into bed and under the covers, with Bakugo close behind. He pulled you into his chest and lifted your leg up and over his. Todoroki was slightly confused as to what was going on.

"I-I can't tonight Katsuki..."

"I know."
He replied simply.
"We'll just add another night onto the deal."

You snuggled your head into his chest.

"If you're going to soothe her then get in idiot."

Todoroki removed everything except his boxers and slipped into bed with you both. One of Bakugo's hands was on your ass to hold you against him and the other had taken up its usual place in your hair.

With your leg over Bakugo's it made it easy for Todoroki to slip his cold fingers between your legs. You shivered as he gently touched and started to rub you.

This position was a lot more comfortable, and with Bakugo stroking your head you were feeling relieved and started feeling sleepy.

"I expected you to get mad."
Todoroki said simply.

"You didn't keep her there so I don't care."

Both boys stayed silent after that and your body soon relaxed in Bakugo's arms, allowing you to drift off to sleep. They both noticed you'd drifted off, slightly smiling to themselves.

Todoroki intended to keep rubbing you until your swelling died down and the heat coming from you wasn't as intense. Your chest was slowly rising and falling which made both boys happy because you'd managed to get some relief.

"Finally learning to share, hey Bakugo?"
Todoroki slightly smiled.

"Shut up dumbass."
Bakugo grunted.

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