🍋Chapter 25 - Tamaki Part 2🍋

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He stuttered and became flustered again as your hands reached his jeans, his tentacles tightening to stop you from moving.

"You made me feel amazing, Tamaki."
You looked up at him with a soft smile.
"Let me do the same to you."

He nodded before retracting his tentacles. You used that opportunity to slide his jumper up and over his head before returning to his jeans, you could already see the outline of him. He was rock solid, tasting you and making you cum turned him on that much. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers.

Once he was completely naked, you looked up at him with a smirk.
"I never told you to retract them, Tamaki."

His cock already twitching, you wrapped your lips around his tip and he whimpered. You flicked your tongue across his tip, his hips bucking and he moaned. Once you took him into your mouth you felt his tentacles curl around your body again. You moaned against his cock as some of his tentacles slithered between your thighs.

One of his hands gripped the pillow above him as you bobbed your head, licking around his cock. He moaned and tightened his grip on the pillow as you took him into your throat, and one of his tentacles started to rub you. You moaned against his cock, your hips rocking against his tentacle as he rubbed you with it.

He moaned and bucked his hips into your mouth, making you gag briefly.

After you gagged and went straight back to sucking him, it turned him on more and he pushed a tentacle inside you. You moaned and rocked your hips back, his cock twitched in your mouth as he got closer. You snapped your tail to his throat, wrapping it around again and squeezing just enough to give his head a buzz.

"Y-Y/N! A-ah BUNNY!"
He moaned loudly and came, twitching in your mouth and you swallowed every drop.

You licked back up, flicking your tongue across his tip and making him rock his hips as you released his throat. He pulled the tentacle out of you, and his face flushed as you whimpered. You climbed back on top of him and straddled him.

"Bunny, huh?"
You asked with a smile and gave him a small kiss.

"I-I'm sorry..."
He flushed and looked away.

"Don't be, I like it."
You kissed and licked the other side of his neck.
"And I love your tentacles, Tamaki."
You felt his cock twitch beneath you and you sucked at his neck.

He asked in a surprised tone as you moved back to look at him.
"I-I love your tail..."

"Yes... but your tongue is my favourite so far..."
You bent down to kiss him again, pushing your tongue into his mouth.

He moaned at the feeling of your tongue, they danced across each other and both of your tastes mixed together. You reached between your legs for his cock, he was already hard again.

You placed him at your entrance, slowly lowering yourself onto him. You both shakily moaned into each other's mouths, you were both sensitive but both desperately wanting more. You pushed down as far as you could go, both of you just staying there and tasting each other.

His hand that was gripping onto the pillow snapped to your waist, his fingers turning into tentacles again to explore your body. You started to ride him and his tentacles around your thighs tightened, others went back up your body to your breasts.

You lifted your hips up and slammed back down, making him break the kiss and throw his head back with a loud and high pitched moan. He was being submissive, his tentacles just exploring and squeezing.

"You already know I love your tentacles, Tamaki..."
You moaned in his ear and he thrusted into you.
"Now, do exactly what you want to do to me..."

You kissed up his neck and along his jaw to his lips, deeply kissing him before pulling back just so that you could see his expression.

"Really? A-anything?"

You bit your lip before slamming yourself down onto him again.

It was almost like you flipped a switch in him, one of the hands that was on your waist moved to your head to pull you down to him so he could kiss you. A tentacle from that hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed. One tentacle from the other hand curled around you to rub your clit, two stayed on your breasts to hold them tight and squeezed and one curled and slithered down your back and slowly pushed into your ass.

You moaned into his mouth, feeling completely filled and that's when his tongue turned into a tentacle and pushed its way into your mouth. You moaned again, tangling your fingers in his hair and bucking your hips. One of his other tentacles slithered up to your wrists and tied them together.

You were completely filled and immobile, it was turning you on even more. He bent his knees to steady himself so he could thrust into you properly, and his tentacle tongue explored your mouth.

He squeezed your throat a little and he thrusted into you faster while gently thrusting a tentacle into you. You were both moaning into each other's mouths as you pulled his hair a little, making him thrust into you harder even with the tentacle.

You didn't even realise how close you were until you felt yourself tighten around his cock and tentacle, squeezing them both. He tilted his hips to thrust into you at an angle, making your body shake and pressure slowly start to build. His spare tentacles were constricting your wings and tail, stroking the sensitive skin on them.

Both of you were now a panting, moaning mess as he picked up the pace. You could both barely handle it and you were both getting close at the same time. He squeezed your throat and thrusted his tentacle a little faster as he began to slam into you. Your body began to heat up.

You pulled your head from his mouth to rest in the crook of his neck.
You felt yourself clamp down and release, as well as the warm liquid drip out of you and down his cock.

"Y/N! F-fuck!"
He pushed his cock and tentacle deep into you as he came.
He threw his head back and moaned loudly, his legs collapsing as his body shook.

Your legs squeezed his sides and your body shook, he twitched inside you and you squeezed him with both holes.
You moaned quietly and your body collapsed against his.

You didn't drain him, you didn't want to. He was panting heavily while he slowly and carefully retracted all his tentacles and your body went back to normal. Your body twitched as you rolled off him, he didn't give you a second to move before his arms wrapped around you and pulled you to him.

He was cuddling into you from behind, holding you tight. You were both extremely tired, so he extended his tentacles briefly so he could pull the duvet up for you both to get under.

"Goodnight... Bunny..."
He whispered and gently kissed the back of your neck.

"Goodnight, Tamaki."
You pulled one of his arms up to cuddle into him as you fell asleep.

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