🍋Chapter 40 - Tamaki Part 3🍋

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Unsurprisingly, Tamaki had woke you up a few times during the night. Using you as a cockwarmer made him more horny than usual. But you didn't mind, you actually rather enjoyed being desired by him. Once you'd both completely woken up the next day you'd decided to shower, together.

The shower actually didn't turn sexual, both of you stood under the water and hummed in contentment as the hot water hit your bodies. Tamaki washed your body and periodically placed gentle kisses along your back as he did. Once he was done, he decided to shampoo your hair. As he was rubbing it into your scalp, you leaned your head back against his chest and smiled. He looked down at you, blushing and smiling.

Once he'd finished washing you, you did the same to him. It made him extremely nervous, but he didn't try to stop you from doing it because it felt nice.

Once you were out of the shower and had dried most of the water out of your hair, that's when things started turning sexual again. You were sat on the edge of the bed in a towel, and Tamaki walked over and inbetween your legs with nothing but his boxers on.

"You want to go again Tamaki?"
You looked up at him with a sweet smile.

He nodded and leaned down to kiss your lips, and undid your towel while doing so. But he didn't remove his boxers. Instead, he got on his knees on the floor and hooked your knees over his shoulders. You bit your lip in excitement, he was amazing at doing this and he loved doing it too.

He placed a gentle kiss on your clit, and you sighed in pleasure as you laid back on the bed. His tongue eagerly and enthusiastically began to work you. He flicked his tongue across your clit a few times, making your hips buck against his face as you moaned.

He hummed in satisfaction against you, licking all the way down and dipping his tongue inside before licking all the way back up. He was making you feel amazing and you reached for his hair with one of your hands, tangling your fingers in it.

Your hips rocked against his face, he was so enthusiastic that he was getting you close fast. The closer you got the more your legs tried to close, so he gripped your thighs tight to keep them pushed apart.

As he licked back down and dipped his tongue inside you again, your back arched when you felt his tongue extend into a tentacle to explore every inch of you.

You moaned as he pressed his tongue up, slowly making the pressure build.

He never once stopped, exploring your insides while thrusting his tentacle tongue in and out of you. You felt the heat rise up your back as your breaths became staggered, you were close. Your hips rocked against his tongue and you pulled on his hair slightly.

"I-I'm so c-close! Tamaki!"
You moaned out, your other hand reaching up to the pillow above you.

He knew exactly what to do. He didn't change a single thing after you moaned, he kept doing the exact same thing with the exact same speed and motions. He could tell you were enjoying it because you were panting and moaning while tightening around his tentacle tongue.

You squeezed his tongue one last time and came, so he started pushing his tongue up against you.
You nearly screamed as your cum dripped from you.

He pulled his tongue out, swallowing every drop and cleaning you up after. Your hips bucked as he licked around your sensitive clit. He pulled back and licked his lips as he carefully put your legs down. Your legs shook a little as he stood up and inbetween your legs while you sat up.

"I want to return the favour."
You smirked and reached for his boxers.

But there was loud banging at the door.

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