Chapter 2 - Family business

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You'd spent that day recovering from the operation, you'd decided on a bilateral salpingectomy so that it would be completely permanent. This meant that your tubes were removed completely, not just tied, but your ovaries were still there so your body would function normally.

While recovering you were also learning how to shift on command. You'd gotten quite good at it, making your succubus features come out was fun for you. Your eyes were the first thing you figured out how to force out, so you quickly decided to show off to your family.

Your family however, never recovered normally. Your father owned a strip club, a place where the highest paying and most valued members could get extra treatment. It worked for everyone involved, since your entire family could indulge their impulses. You're not sure why, but your desires flared up incredibly fast. It normally took your family weeks or even a few months for things to completely kick in but it only took you 24 hours.

Your desires and urges had spiked painfully high, so high you weren't sure what would actually be able to satisfy you.

It was fun, having an entirely sex-positive family. Due to your birthday and finished operation, you now went with your family to start training your quirk and hopefully to heal.

"Okay little sis!"
Drake smiled while leading you to a dressing room.
"Luna is already out there, so you just pick an outfit."

You were closer with your brother so he was the one training you. Both Theo and Luna decided to not sterilize themselves, but you and Drake made the decision on your eighteenth birthdays.

You headed into the room and looked around, this room was reserved for your family. You looked across the rack and eyed a gorgeous black and purple lingerie set. Putting it on, it hugged your body perfectly. You also found some black stripper heels to match.

After leaving the room, your brother led you to the main room.

"Okay, so now that you've manifested properly you'll be able to focus your eyes. It looks different for each of us, but you can read the sexual energy of a person. Or, if it's pent up enough, tension."

You listened to his words and looked around the room.
"Is it similar to focusing on making our features appear?"
You asked and looked up at him.

"Look at you, a prodigy!"
He grinned.

You smiled back and focused your eyes, returning your attention to the room. It took a moment, but you managed to see the bubbling auras of people, all of different intensities.

Most people in the room had a faint blue coloured aura. But as your eyes moved over to a table in the back, both of their auras were bright and fierce. You assumed these auras meant high sexual energy and the other meant tension. One was a fierce purple, bubbling around the man in a dark coat like a flame. The other guy had red wings and his aura was an extremely fierce bubbling red, the intensity of it actually scared you a little.

You motioned over to the back table.

"Are you sure? They're always in here but never have a girl, the guy with the red wings is different to normal."

"Yeah, his aura is intense. But I'm more interested in the other guy."

"Be careful."
Was all your brother said as you walked over to the table.

"Can I get you boys anything?"
You smiled as you got to the table, placing your hands on it and leaning in such a way it pushed your boobs out.

Both guys looked over to you. You saw one guy's wings puff and his aura flare. The other's aura stayed calm but shone brighter.

The guy with the black hair and bright aura licked his lips and trailed his eyes over your body. You inclined your head and sweetly smiled at him.

"How about you?"
He finally answered your question, while looking at you with fierce eyes.

"Aw, I don't think you could afford me."
You taunted.

He darkly chuckled before grabbing your arm and pulling you into his lap.

You heard the other man growl.

"Oh come on now Keigo!"
Dabi laughed back at the other man as he gripped onto your hips.
"Doesn't this little mouse look fun."

You looked over your shoulder at the man called Keigo, his aura was fierce and completely out of control. You stopped focusing your eyes and you noticed he was visibly struggling.

"We're not here for this man..."
Keigo said through gritted teeth.

"We weren't."
Dabi chuckled before grabbing your face and pulling it round to him.
"But I am now."

You focused your eyes briefly and noticed his aura was starting to flare. You trailed your finger down his chest, snidely draining a little of his energy. Just enough for his grip on you to falter a little, allowing you to get off his lap.

"That depends if you can afford me."
You smirked and turned around, sauntering back to your brother and making sure to sway your hips.

"What the hell did you say to them?"
Drake laughed.
"I've never seen auras flare up so quickly."

You just smiled.
"Go over to the black haired one and tell him the highest price you ask, I want to heal completely."

Drake laughed again while shaking his head.
"Are you sure? You've never healed before."

"Do you not remember how quickly I learned how to control my draining ability?."

"That's a good point, wait here."
Drake headed back over to the table.

You watched them for a moment, until Dabi placed a card on the table.

After a few more moments your brother came back.
"Head to the furthest door, past all the back rooms. Flash your eyes and they'll let you up."
He smiled before walking off.

You walked back over to the table, extending your hand out.
You smiled.

Dabi took your hand, Keigo just shook his head.
"I'm surprised it's not you Keigo. You know, with that spring feeling."
Dabi grinned and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Last chance, Keigo."
You slightly purred his name and saw his wings twitch.

You heard a slight pant before he puffed his wings and got up, wrapping an arm around your waist.

This was going to be fun.

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