🍋Chapter 55 - BakuTodo🍋

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You woke up during the night and your body felt loads better. Your sensitivity had almost completely gone and you were no longer swollen and sore, Todoroki really did have magic fingers.

You shifted a little and Bakugo grumbled in his sleep while his arm wrapped around you, pulling you into him. The hand that was usually in your hair was under his head as he slept. His leg was between yours, keeping your leg over his.

"How are you feeling?"
Todoroki whispered and asked from behind you.

"Better, thank you."
You whispered back.

"How much better?"
His cold fingers found their way between your legs.

He slowly started to rub you and you shivered against his touch. His cold fingers felt great against you, and he dipped a finger inside you.

You whisper-moaned as he dipped a second finger inside you.
He slowly started to pump his fingers in and out of you.
"He's asleep..."
You rolled your hips back against his fingers.

Todoroki kissed the back of your neck.
"Then wake him up baby."
He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.

You looked up at Bakugo's sleeping face. You didn't want to wake him, but Todoroki had seriously turned you on and you knew if you didn't wake him he'd probably be mad at you.

You moaned gently.

You rolled your hips back against Todoroki's fingers and began to palm Bakugo through his boxers. He started to grow hard against your hand and soon stirred awake.

He moaned sleepily.

You slipped your hand into his boxers and started to stroke him. You moaned again as Todoroki increased the pace of his fingers. Bakugo groaned at the feeling of your hand wrapped around him.

He moved his hand out from under his head and wrapped it in your hair. He pulled on your hair to pull your head back, eliciting a small moan from you before he crashed his lips onto yours.

Bakugo rocked his hips into your hand and started to slip his boxers off. Todoroki slowly pulled his fingers out of you and slipped his boxers off as well.

Todoroki kissed along your shoulders and the back of your neck, while wrapping an arm around you to slip a hand up your shirt. Bakugo lifted your leg up and slowly eased himself inside you, pushing himself as deep as he could.

You stutter-moaned and wrapped your arms around Bakugo.

His hand squeezed your ass as he just stayed there, deep inside you.
"Wake me like this more."
He smirked down at you.

You felt Todoroki slip two of his fingers back inside you. He slowly pumped them in and out of you, simultaneously pleasuring you and rubbing them along Bakugo's cock.

"What the hell are you doing?"
Bakugo accidentally slightly moaned, he didn't want to admit that it felt good.

"Making sure there's room."
Todoroki replied simply.

He removed his fingers from you and slowly started to replace it with his cock. You shoved your head into Bakugo's chest and moaned, scratching your nails down his back as Todoroki pushed himself all the way inside.

Your hands clung to Bakugo's back as both boys started to move inside you, the feeling was already overwhelming. Bakugo pulled your head back by your hair so he could return his lips to yours.

This was a new feeling for Todoroki and he loved it. He rested his head against the back of your neck and moaned quite heavily. The feeling of being inside you while his cock rubbed up against someone else's felt amazing to him.

Both of them started to thrust faster inside you, Bakugo squeezed your ass while Todoroki squeezed one of your breasts. You moaned into Bakugo's mouth, before pulling back and resting your head against his chest again.

They stretched you but they felt amazing at the same time, and you were starting to clamp down around them both. You dug your nails into Bakugo's back, making him hiss and groan in pleasure and pain.

The feeling of you clamping down was about to make both boys cum deep inside you. The feeling was still quite overstimulating for Bakugo, while Todoroki loved the new feeling.

You moaned.

You dragged your nails down Bakugo's back as you came. As your pussy squeezed them both, they couldn't help but push themselves deep and fill you up. This time you could activate your quirk so you did, you completely drained the energy from their highs.

"Y/N! Fuck!"
Bakugo growled as his cock twitched inside you.

Todoroki moaned and kissed the back of your neck.

You felt the seed from both boys beginning to drip out of you and you deactivated your quirk. Todoroki slowly pulled out of you but like usual Bakugo kept himself inside you.

Todoroki took his hand from out of your shirt and as you looked up at Bakugo the look in his eyes made your heart jump. All you wanted to do was kiss him, so that's exactly what you did.

You tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled his face down to yours. He grunted at the force of your pull as his lips touched yours, but he eagerly wrapped his arms around you to hold you tight.

He held you firmly against his body and pushed his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues danced together and you tugged on his hair a little, causing him to moan into your mouth.

The kiss was deep and passionate, lasting for quite a while. After you'd both pulled apart, Todoroki's hand gently cupped your throat to tilt your head back to look at him. The look in Todoroki's eyes was the same as Bakugo's, your heart jumped again and all you wanted to do was kiss him.

You took one of your hands out of Bakugo's hair and moved it into Todoroki's. You tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled, forcing his lips down to yours. You instantly pushed your tongue into his mouth, making him moan. This kiss was deep and passionate like the other, also lasting quite a while.

While you were occupied with Todoroki's lips, Bakugo's hand roamed your body and his cock twitched inside you. You slowly pulled away from Todoroki's lips, and you were slightly panting as you looked between both boys.

"Round two?"
Bakugo asked with a smirk.

Todoroki responded.

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