🍋Chapter 19 - Aizawa Part 1🍋

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You swallowed hard and your heart pounded in your chest, his tone had completely changed with that last sentence. You also noticed you were now leaving the UA campus and heading towards a car.

"Get in."
Was all he said as he opened the passenger door before he went round to drivers side.

You didn't verbally respond, just nodded and slid into the soft leather seat. After you'd closed the door and put your seat belt on, that's when you felt yourself begin to drip and you squirmed uncomfortably in the seat.

"Mr Aizawa..."
You swallowed hard as he looked at you from the corner of his eye.
"Your car is going to get dirty... from me..."
You couldn't understand why you were being so docile, but his demeanor was different than it was in class.

"Seats can be cleaned."
His responses were short and to the point, and it sent a tingle down your spine.

After driving in silence for a while, you pulled up outside an apartment building. You'd already figured out what he'd meant by punishment after you weren't allowed to clean up, but now it was really sinking in as you got out and followed Aizawa.

As soon as his apartment door locked, his scarf whipped around your neck and he pushed you against the wall.
"Do you have any idea what it's like to be attracted to a student?"
He stalked closer to you, pressing you against the wall as he towered over you.
"And then to overhear multiple boys talking about her..."
He tilted your chin up to force you to keep eye contact.
"And then to see her, pinned up against a wall after being fucked and filled?"

You swallowed hard and shook your head.
You stuttered, his entire presence oozed so much dominance that even your succubus instincts were receding.

He released his scarf from your neck, but kept his hand on your chin as he switched his voice to a serious and firm tone.
"Even though I brought you here, if you say no right now I will drive you back to the dorms and this will never be discussed again. But if you stay..."
He bent down so his lips ghosted your ear.
"I'll show you how inferior the sex you've been having really is."

You bit your lip and a small bit of bratty boldness washed over you, so you grabbed him by his belt and pulled him so his body hit yours and he groaned.

"I'll take you up on that offer, Sir."

He shook his head as his scarf went back around your throat and squeezed.
"Not Sir, Daddy."

"Sorry, Daddy."

"Now that's a good girl."
He cooed before crashing his lips onto yours and pressing his body against you.

You were pulled off the wall, the scarf still around your throat as Aizawa pushed his tongue into your mouth and backed you through his apartment. Your legs hit the bed and the kiss was broken as Aizawa sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you in-between his legs with the scarf.

"Now Kitty Cat."
You felt vulnerable, stood in front of him with cum slowly dripping from you.
"I'm going to punish you."
He pulled your head down to him with the scarf.
"But you can get on your knees like a good little kitty slut and I won't punish you as badly."

You nodded and licked your lips as you got onto your knees and started to undo his belt. You pulled it through the loops and dropped it before undoing his pants. He lifted his hips off the bed as you pulled his pants and boxers down, all the while he just watched you intently.

He released the scarf as his cock twitched and you reached for it, a satisfied sigh leaving him as you you wrapped your lips around his tip and a hand around his shaft.

You flicked your tongue across his tip a few times, enjoying the low groans coming from him as you did it. You slowly took him into your mouth and began to pump his shaft.

You licked and sucked, bobbing your head and swirling your tongue around him as you pumped his shaft simultaneously. One of his hands reached for your hair, wrapping it around his fist and groaned.

You removed your hand and pushed him deeper into you until you felt him at the back of your throat. He held you there until you gagged, but wouldn't let you go until your hands snapped to his thighs to steady yourself.

He pulled your head up and you gasped for breath, a trail of saliva dropping from your lips.
"Good girl."
He cooed and wiped his thumb across your bottom lip, then put it into your mouth and you sucked.

He pulled you down on top of him so that he could grab your hips and flip you both over. You whimpered underneath him, making him chuckle as his hands explored your body. He pushed your shirt up and over your head, exposing your breasts, before pulling your shorts down and leaving you completely exposed.

He got off the bed, unbuttoning his shirt and his scarf wrapped around your ankles to pull you to the edge of the bed.
"Are you ready for your punishment, Kitten?"

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