🍋Chapter 14 - Hawks🍋

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The second you got to his penthouse apartment, you didn't even have time to land before he slammed you against the wall and roughly kissed your lips. His rut was completely taking over, his wings were puffed up as far as they could go and he was fumbling with the button on your jeans.

Once the button was undone, he nearly ripped your jeans trying to get them off you and then spun you around and pressed you against the wall. He was kissing the back of your neck, nibbling and groaning until his own pants hit the floor. Then he actually did rip your underwear to get them off.

"Seriously Keigo?"
You tried to sound annoyed, but you were too busy moaning as he gripped your hips and pushed himself into you.

Your hands hit the wall and your wings twitched as he started to thrust hard and deep. His body was pressed firmly against yours, he hooked one of your legs over his arm and thrusted faster.

He moaned and detached a feather, sending it to your clit.

You moaned out and scratched your nails down the wall as he vibrated the feather.
You started to tighten around him.

Using your tail, you wrapped it around his waist to keep him as close to you as possible as his thrusts started to falter. Your wings twitched against as he edged you closer and closer, right until you clamped down and came.

The feeling of you cumming sent Hawks over the edge and he pushed himself deep inside you.
He moaned and latched his teeth onto your shoulder.

Your wings and tail twitched before receding and Hawks took that as an opportunity to take full control. He pulled out, turned you around and flew you both to the bed.

"I'm not done with you yet baby bird."
He groaned and thrusted back inside you.

He kept one of his feathers vibrating over your clit and sent others to undress you both until you were completely naked. He recalled all of his feathers except the one on your clit.

He pushed your knees up to your chest and began to jackhammer you. Your body was sensitive from your orgasm, but you were quickly building up to another one. Your hands gripped the sheets so hard your knuckles were turning white.

Your back was arching as his vibrations and thrusts quickly make you tighten, clamp and release again.
You threw your head back and moaned loudly, but he didn't slow down or recall his feather.
Your breaths were staggered and you were nearly panting as your body began to shake.

He let your knees go, your legs falling down onto the bed, before pushing inside and cumming again.
He moaned into your ear as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.

His cock was twitching inside you and he started to kiss, lick, nip and suck down your neck and long your collarbone. He also hadn't stopped his feather from vibrating and it was beginning to heavily overstim you.

You stutter moaned and your legs were shaking again.

"My name sounds so good coming from your lips..."
He groaned and his cock twitched, beginning to get hard again.

"Y-your f-f-eather!"
Your moaning was becoming more staggered and higher-pitched, the vibrations never stopping.
"I'm t-too sensitive!"
Your arms wrapped around him and you dragged your nails down his back as you came again.

"Sing for me songbird..."
He cooed.

He hissed slightly as you dug your nails in harder and your body twitched.
"Keigo... i have lessons tomorrow..."

"No you don't."
He smirked before pulling out.
"I called Eraser before waking you up, you're interning with me."
He finally recalled his feather, allowing you a moment to breathe.

You were shocked and out of breath.

"It works for both of us kid."
He grinned and pulled you into his lap.
"You get an internship, I get help with my rut."
He kissed you deeply and wrapped his arms around you, your body still shaking.

His arms were healing to keep you up, but you still tangled your hands in his hair in an attempt to stop yourself from falling back. You felt him twitch beneath you, he was ready to go again.

You whimpered as you pulled away from his lips.

"It's called rut baby bird, and you haven't gone all Succubus me yet."
He smirked as he lifted you up and lowered you down onto him again.

Your legs shook even more fiercely while he penetrated you deeply. You rested your head into the crook of his neck and gripped onto his shoulders, digging your nails in.

He was thrusting slow, deep and hard which was perfect for your sensitive insides.

You were letting out staggered, high-pitched moans at each one of his thrusts. He also detached a feather again, sending it straight to your clit and vibrating it. Your hips involuntarily bucked against him, your nails dug in harder and your legs tried to close.

In response, he gripped your hips and slammed you down onto him.
You nearly screamed and threw your head back.

So he kept doing it until he made you cum again. The orgasm knocked the wind out of your chest, you were panting and shaking. You were holding onto him just to try and keep yourself up straight.

He slammed you down onto him one last time before he came again, and this time your Succubus instincts kicked in. You moaned loudly as you felt him twitch inside and you drained him.

He groaned and fell back on the bed, you falling on top of him.

As you kept draining him, his feather finally stoped vibrating. You were breathing heavily until he slowly pushed you off him, and that's when you stopped draining him.

"I think I'm going to enjoy my internship."
You giggled and rolled onto your back, looking up at the ceiling.

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