Chapter 15 - Achy Muscles

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Even though you'd drained him, this time it didn't stop his rut for longer than an hour and he'd kept you up most of the night. You'd drained him a few times but during the last round even you were too tired to do so.

When you woke up, it was late in the afternoon and you heard the shower running. When you sat up your muscles ached. Your phone buzzed so you groaned and reached for it. You smiled when you saw texts from Tamaki.

Tamaki: I really enjoyed yesterday Y/N, thank you.

Tamaki: I'd really like to see you again!

Tamaki: Well if you want to that is.

Tamaki: Or you might not, flying off with Hawks...

Tamaki: I'm sorry! I shouldn't have sent that...

Tamaki: But still... thank you...

You: No worries! I enjoyed it too, and I'd love to see you again.

Tamaki: Wait really?

Tamaki: Well how about Saturday? I could make you dinner!

Tamaki: If you'd want dinner at mine that is...

Tamaki: Wait that's not too forward is it? I'm sorry...

You: No it's not too forward silly! I'd love to have dinner at yours. What time?

Tamaki: 8, is 8 okay for you?

You: That sounds perfect, see you Saturday Tamaki :)

After you locked your phone, there was a knock at the door. The shower was still running, so after a few moments they knocked again.

"You in there Keigo?"
It was Dabi's voice.

You sighed and stood up, grabbing a hoodie out of Keigo's wardrobe and slipping it on. After you unlocked the door, Dabi looked down at you. He folded his arms and smirked, giving you a small chuckle.

"So bird brain got you as a booty call huh?"

"Shut up, I'm interning for him."
You walked back to the bed and sat down, Dabi shutting the door behind him.

"I heard the door."
Hawks said as he walked out of the bathroom, completely naked.
"Well hey Dabi."
He grinned.

He responded in a monotone voice.

"As much as I want to be a part of this riveting conversation, it's getting late and I should be getting back to UA."
You collected your scattered clothes, groaning when you remembered Hawks had ripped your underwear.

"You're just going to strip?"
Hawks asked as his wings puffed up.

"Relax, it's nothing you two haven't seen before."
You shot them both a cheeky grin.

Both men just watched you, licking their lips.

"No underwear?"
Dabi asked with a smirk.

"Blame feathers over there."
You nodded towards Hawks who just laughed.

"Hmm, can't say I blame him really."
Dabi cocked his head and his eyes scanned your body.

You rolled your eyes and finished getting dressed.
"See you later boys."
You smiled and headed towards the balcony.

"This part is fun."
Hawks smiled while Dabi looked confused.

You spread your wings before jumping off the balcony and heading back towards UA.

"She has wings?"
Dabi asked and raised an eyebrow at Hawks.

"And a tail."
Hawks bit his lips.
"Whooo, the things she does with that tail."

That comment made Dabi glare at him.
"Put some pants on Keigo."

Hawks cheekily grinned at him.
"You're just jealous that I got her all to myself, and whenever I want."

Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Piss off."


In order to avoid facing multiple comments and questions, you entered the dorms by your balcony door. Your muscles were still sore, even more so after flying home on your own.

You groaned and rubbed the back of your neck as you walked to your wardrobe. You stopped as you passed the mirror, noticing marks all over your body. You sighed and pulled out some fresh pj's, found a towel and headed towards the showers.

You turned the shower on, waiting for the water to get hot before stripping and stepping under the water. As the hot water hit your body you sighed in happiness. The hot water felt great on your achy muscles. You thoroughly cleaned your body, you were now aching less but quite stiff.

After the shower and placing your stuff back in your room, you decided to chill out in the common room. You flopped down on the couch and rested your head against it.

"Rough day?"
Kaminari asked as he stood behind the couch.

"Something like that."
You sighed and moved your head forward, rubbing the back of your neck and groaning.

"Wanna talk about it?"
He asked as vaulted over the back of the couch to sit next to you.

You shrugged.
"Not much to say really. Just that interning with Hawks is, uh, very physical."

Kaminari snickered in response.
"You mean you're sleeping with a pro hero too?"

You looked over at him and he just smirked at you, making you laugh.
"Well, who am I to say no?"

He shrugged.
"No judgment from me."

"That's because you want to sleep with me too."

"Oh I absolutely do."
He grinned at you.
"But I'm not one to judge."

"Fair enough."
You rubbed your neck again and groaned.

"Achy muscles?"

You nodded.
"My whole body."

"I could help."
You raised a brow at him.
"Hey I'm serious, a good massage could do you good."

"You know how to massage?"

"Hey, when you're competing against men like Bakugo and Kirishima you got to bring something else to the table."
He stood up and extended his hand to you as you giggled at him.
"So how about it?"

You grabbed his hand and stood up.
"Lead the way Denki."
You smiled.

He smiled back at you and led you towards his room.

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