Chapter 41 - Bold

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Tamaki looked confused until a voice called out.

It was Nejire.

Tamaki sighed as he grabbed a pair of jeans and a baggy jumper, almost instantly becoming soft as he got dressed.

"Is that Nejire?"
You asked.

Tamaki nodded.
"Yes, she wont leave until I go down."
He sighed.
"But I'll be back up soon though."
He half-smiled at you before heading downstairs.

After a few moments, you heard the door open. You slipped a pair of your underwear on and one of Tamaki's shirts, so you could stand on the landing and listen to the conversation.

"W-why are you here?"

"I was making sure you're okay!"

"Wh-what? W-why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of Y/N."

Tamaki sounded extremely surprised.
"W-why... wh-what... I don't..."

"She's not seeing only you, Tamaki."

"I-I know that!"

"I'm worried about you, Tamaki. She's going to hurt you."
She tried to reach out to him, but he swatted her hand away.

After she said that, you poked your head around the corner to see exactly what was going on and you saw Tamaki shaking his head furiously.

"N-No! No she won't!"
He actually shouted at Nejire, and it made her step back a little.
"I-I already know she won't be my girlfriend, and that's fine! I'm fine!"
He folded his arms and stepped back towards the stairs.
"A-and you're not my girlfriend either! I-I want you to leave!"

"Tamaki... no..."
Nejire frowned and tried to get closer to Tamaki.

But he stepped back until his heels hit the stairs.
"I-I said l-leave!"

"You're going to get hurt, you can't handle a relationship like this. You're too kind and sensitive."

You were getting mad now. Tamaki had told her to leave multiple times and she had refused, you could hear and feel how stressed it was making Tamaki and it made your blood boil.

You let your Succubus form take over as you made your way down the stairs.
"He told you to leave."
Your voice was stern as your wings flapped in annoyance.

Tamaki smiled up at you.

"Why are you doing this to him, Y/N?"
Nejire asked as you made your way down the stairs.
"You know it's hurting him."
Your eyes began to glow as you just got angrier.
"He needs stability."
You felt your tail start to grow thicker.
"Not a flimsy fling!"
You felt your horns thicken and grow larger.
"And certainly not with a woman who sleeps with other men!"

You got down to the stair behind Tamaki and protectively wrapped your arms around him, and he almost instinctively calmed down within your arms.

"He told you to leave."
You narrowed your eyes at her.
"He's an adult. He doesn't need anyone telling him what he can and can't do, or what will or won't hurt him."

"Except he does! He cares too much!"

You growled in annoyance and your wings puffed up, growing bigger and thicker as you narrowed your eyes at her.
"He knows exactly what he's doing."

"I-I want you to l-leave Nejire!"
Tamaki was starting to get more stressed out, and you could feel it.

"Tamaki n-"

Your anger snapped as you stared down Nejire and protectively wrapped your wings around Tamaki.

As you stared at her, you slowly but surely felt energy being drawn into your body. You stared her down and your eyes glowed more furiously. As you continued to stare you started to notice the aura around her, it was white.

It wasn't her sexual aura you were seeing, it was her life force. And it was very slowly dimming as you stared at her. You realised what was going on. Your anger had manifested another part of your quirk, you could slowly drain the energy from people from afar.

"He told you to leave. This doesn't need to get violent."
You narrowed your eyes at her and kept a steady stream of her energy flowing into you.
"He can make his own decisions. Now I can either stand here all day and slowly drain you, or you can leave and accept Tamaki is an adult."

"You're going to get hurt, Tamaki. And I've tried to warn you."

"I-I didn't need warning! I'm not going to get hurt."

"You don't know that."

"I do!"
He shouted and you slowly unwrapped your wings from him.


"B-because we've a-already talked about it! I-I-I know she doesn't want a boyfriend, she doesn't want to hurt anyone! And I'm p-perfectly happy having her this way!"

"You're going to regret it, Tamaki.
Nejire sighed before turning around and leaving.

Once the door was closed, you deactivated your quirk and Tamaki stepped forward from you. You took a few deep breaths to calm down as he turned to look at you.

"I-I didn't know you could do that."

"Me either. I just hate people telling others what to do and trying to control them. I guess I got so angry a new part to my quirk manifested."
You smiled at him.
"But I'm proud of you! You really stuck up for yourself."

"Th-thank you.."
He looked down and blushed.
"I... I just got annoyed... she didn't understand."
He looked back up at you and smiled.

"Now, I think we should get back to where we left off."
You smirked at him and it made him blush.

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