Chapter 56 - Confused

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You'd slept quite soundly after the second round, Todoroki had slept while holding you from behind and Bakugo was using you as a cockwarmer like usual. After the second round had finished, you'd also drained them again and you were pretty much feeling at peak condition again.

All three of you were also fairly late to class, which earned you a look from Aizawa that only you could recognise. You were in trouble if he got you alone. With how dominant Aizawa was, you did not want to risk accidentally ending up alone with him.

As soon as class had ended, you rushed to Bakugo's side as he was leaving the class with Kirishima. You linked your arm around Bakugo's and rested your chest against his arm, almost clinging to him. Your clinging but gentle touch made his chest tighten a little.

You smiled up at him.

He half-smiled down at you.

"Well hey Pebble!"
Kirishima grinned at you.

The look in Kirishima's eyes as he looked down at you was exactly the same as Bakugo's and Todoroki's from last night. Your heart jumped again and you wished you could get him alone somewhere, so you could kiss him like you did the other two.

Bakugo returned to his conversation with Kirishima and you looked back over your shoulder. You saw Aizawa watching you, but he soon looked away as another student started talking to him. You'd managed to dodge that bullet at least.


You'd clung to Bakugo's arm until the three of you walked into the lift to head to your own rooms, your floor was before theirs.

"I'll see you tonight."
You smiled up at Bakugo.

You grabbed him by his belt and pulled him in to kiss you. He groaned as you did and his hands went down to squeeze your ass. You moaned into his mouth and his tongue darted into your mouth. You both stayed there for a moment, your tongues gliding across one another.

You pulled back from him and looked over at Kirishima.
"Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll join again for a while."
You smirked up at Kirishima.

You then grabbed him by his belt and pulled him, finally getting your wish to kiss him. He gently moaned as his body hit yours, allowing you to push your tongue into his mouth and he gripped your hips. You kissed each other until the lift doors dinged open and you pulled back from him.

"Bye boys."
You smiled and walked off towards your room.

"What a woman..."
Kirishima breathed out as the lift doors closed.

Bakugo grunted.

On the way back to your room, you bumped into Kaminari.
"Oh hey Denki!"
You smiled up at him.

"Hey Sunshine!"
He grinned back at you.

He had the same look in his eyes as the others and you reacted the same way too. You were so confused as to what was going on but you didn't want to focus on it right now.

You didn't even say anything else to him, you just grabbed him by his belt and pulled him into you so you could kiss him. One of his arms wrapped around you and the other rested on your ass.

Like the others, the kiss was quite deep and passionate as you pushed your tongue into his mouth and made him gently moan. After a while, you pulled back and looked up to see him blushing.

"Wh-what was that for? I'm not complaining! But why?"

"I just wanted to."
You smiled up at him then walked off to your room.

He watched you walk, admiring the way your body moved. He was also standing there, quite shocked as to why you'd just kissed him like that.

Once you were in your room you quickly closed your door and leaned back against it, breathing heavily. You were completely confused, you had no idea what was going on but it seemed like all you wanted to do was kiss these boys.

You were so confused and wrapped up in your own thoughts that you almost didn't hear the knock at your door. You jumped a little before stepping away from the door and opening it.

"Hey Puppy!"
Midoriya grinned at you, that same look in his eyes.

You'd also noticed that recently you really seemed to like the nicknames the boys were giving you, they made you feel special in a way.

"Hey Izuku!"
You smiled back at him, the same feelings hitting you as before.

"I made some notes during yesterday's class, I thought you'd want them since you were interning with Hawks."
He handed you some paper.

"That's really thoughtful of you."
You took the notes off him and walked over to your desk.
"Thank you."
You turned back around to look at him.

He was still smiling at you and your heart jumped, so you did as you do best. You walked towards him and grabbed his belt, pulling him into you to kiss him. He whimpered as his body hit yours, his arms wrapping around you as you kissed him.

You slipped your hands up his body and into his hair, tugging a little to make him slightly moan. You took full advantage of his moan and pushed your tongue into his mouth.

You both stayed like that for a while, until you slowly pulled back.
"I'll make sure to read the notes, thank you Izuku."

He was blushing.
"I-I, uh okay! You're w-welcome!"
He stuttered a little and you smiled as you slowly shut your door.

You heard Midoriya muttering to himself as he walked off and for some reason it made you smile. You took a deep breath before changing into some relaxing clothes and heading to the kitchen to get a drink.

As you entered the kitchen, you saw Shinso.
"Hey Kitty."
He looked over at you.

"Hey Hitoshi!"
You smiled at him.

And yet again, he had that same look in his eyes which caused your heart to jump again. You were still confused and now slightly annoyed that this kept happening.

You didn't even say anything and could barely even control your actions as you walked over to him and grabbed his belt. You pulled him with such force his body slammed into yours and you leaned up to kiss his lips.

His hand went up to the back of your neck to keep you pushed against him. He gently squeezed the back of your neck, making you moan and his tongue darted into your mouth. Your tongues danced across one another and his began to dominate yours.

You slowly pulled back from him, but his hand squeezed the back of your neck harder.
"Hmm no, get back here."

He pulled you back into him with such force his back hit the counter and his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you pressed against him. You latched your teeth onto his bottom lip and pulled a bit, making him groan.

"That's better."
He smirked at you and let you go.

He put his hands into his pockets and leaned back against the counter, his eyes trailing over your body. Your heart was beating faster as you watched his eyes scan across your body.

You had completely forgotten why you came in here. You ran your hand through your hair and without speaking, you just walked off and quickly went to your room.

You shut and locked the door, leaning against it and breathing heavily with your heart pounding. You were now more annoyed than confused.

You wanted to take your mind off what was going on with you, so you quickly grabbed your phone out of your pocket and looked at your contacts.

You scanned through them until you found one of the only names that you thought would be able to distract you from whatever it was you were feeling. You dialed his number and he soon picked up.

"Miss me already? Little Mouse."

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