🍋Chaper 47 - Midoriya🍋

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As soon as you were on the desk, his hands slid up your thighs and under your skirt to pull your underwear down. While he was doing that you undid his tie and started to unbutton his shirt to slide it off his shoulders.

After sliding his shirt off his shoulders you undid his belt, pulling it through the loops and throwing it onto the floor. You started on his pants while he undid your tie. After you'd unfastened his pants, he quickly pulled himself free and placed himself at your entrance.

You moaned as he pushed himself inside while loosening all the buttons on your shirt.

His lips went straight back to yours and he didn't take any more clothes off you than just your underwear and tie, he just wanted to be inside you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his hair as he started to thrust.

You wrapped your legs around his waist again, pulling him into you and keeping him deep. He did not start slow or gentle, he was going fast and hard as he rocked you into the desk.

His hands found your ass to lift you up slightly and angle you differently. He pulled almost all the way out and slammed back in, reaching deep inside you and making you throw your head back and moan loudly. He enjoyed the sounds you were making, so he kept doing it.

His thrusts seemed to be getting harder and faster with each passing minute, to the point the desk started to move and you could hear it creak. It seemed like he was using his quirk a little bit, and it was making your orgasm build fast.

He rested his head into crook of your neck as he continued to pound into you, his heavy breaths and moans exciting you even more.

You moaned as you felt yourself tighten around him.
You started to clamp down, which only drove him to go faster and harder.
You nearly screamed as your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave.

You dug your nails into his skin, scratching down his back as your body shook against him and the desk. He groaned and slowly stilled inside you to let you ride out your orgasm.

As soon as it ended, he picked you up off the desk and threw you onto the bed. He pulled your skirt off then grabbed your hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed so that your legs were hanging off, and slammed back inside you.

You moaned loudly as he started to jackhammer you.

You could really tell now he was using his quirk a little bit, his grip was tight and his thrusts were harder than Kirishima's. He looked down at you, panting and moaning as he pounded into you.

He was barely even sweating, his endurance was insane. You gripped the sheets as he lifted your ass up to angle you again, instantly hitting the spot inside you that sent pleasurable shocks of pain up your spine.

You could already feel yourself getting close again, his desperation seemed to make it easy for him to pleasure you. He seemed to really enjoy the pleasured faces you were making too. He couldn't keep his eyes off you as you gripped the sheets and arched your back.

You felt the pressure inside you building up, and he never once slowed down. You clamped down around him as he continued to drill into you.

Your breaths were staggered as you felt yourself cum, and he pounded you through your orgasm until you soaked his cock and the bed. He didn't ease up and kept fucking you through your twitching, shaking, wet orgasm.

You stuttered as he slowly pulled out of you, your legs still shaking.

You didn't know Midoriya had this in him, and he still wasn't done. He finally took the rest of your clothes off, which gave your body a chance to stop shaking.

He got on the bed behind you, lying on his side and pulled you against him so your back was against his chest. He lifted your leg up and over his and slid himself back inside you. You heard him moan pleasurably in your ear, he loved being inside you.

He used his knees to keep your legs pushed apart and used his arms to keep your arms pinned back. As he started to move, you already felt his cock pushing up against you. And once he started to thrust fast again, you knew your next orgasm was going to hit hard.

"Oh fuck..."
You threw your head back against him and moaned.

He quickly resumed his fast, hard and almost brutal pace. With your body pinned against him you could barely even move but you didn't need to, he had you exactly where he wanted you.

He pounded up into you and you clamped down again. Your legs were shaking against his knees and trying to close, but he kept them firmly spread apart. Your arms were shaking against his too, but he just kept slamming into you.

Your moans became high pitched and your breaths staggered as you came again and again, your insides getting increasingly more sensitive.

Your head was spinning as you were going dizzy from pleasure, the pressure inside you building up again. You couldn't speak and you could barely even think. Midoriya was keeping you pinned and keeping your legs spread, making sure he could hit every inch of your insides.

You scream-moaned as the pressure inside you released and you soaked his cock.

Your body was wracked in pleasure and shook almost violently against Izuku, but he still didn't slow down. His endurance was almost frightening, you didn't know how much more you could take.

Since he was pinning you with his body, you activated your quirk and slowly started to drain him. You needed to take control and make him cum before he fucked you senseless.

It was starting to work, he groaned and slowed down. You felt his grip on you loosen and you could finally start to close your legs. But you didn't.

You got off of him and turned the tide. You climbed on top of him and pinned him down, still draining him while you activated the rest of your quirk.

He stutter-moaned as you lowered yourself back down onto him.

You kept his arms pinned by his head with your hands as you snapped your tail up and wrapped it around his throat. He whimpered in pleasure as you squeezed his throat and his cock twitched inside you.

You drained him a little longer to give yourself back some energy so you could start to ride him and his hips thrusted up into you to match your pace, both of you moaning as you moved in sync.

His breaths started to stagger as you periodically squeezed his throat, so you knew he was finally getting close. You rolled your hips against him and with how sensitive you were, you were probably going to cum again before he did.

He was whimpering, panting and moaning beneath you and it just drove you to ride him faster. You repeatedly slammed yourself down onto him until you started to tighten.

You moaned one last time as he thrusted up into you and you came.

As you squeezed his cock and throat while keeping him pinned, he twitched inside you and filled you up. Your eyes flashed and you started to drain his high, making him whimper beneath you.

He moaned loudly, throwing his head back as his hips bucked.

You felt him start to drip out of you, so you deactivated your quirk and slowly got off him. He whimpered as your tail left his throat and you fell beside him.

Your body was still shaking and twitching slightly, he really took a lot out of you.

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