🍋Chapter 18 - Shinso🍋

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"O-oh o-okay..."
You stuttered and quietly moaned, tightly gripping his shoulders as he eased himself into you.

He moaned quietly, holding you by your ass and rested his head in the crook of your neck until he bottomed out.

As he started to thrust, you tangled your fingers in his hair to pull his head up to kiss you. He groaned against your lips and keeping a tight grip on your ass.

You gently tugged on his hair when his thrusts turned hard and deep, sending small shocks of pleasure shooting up your spine due to your sensitivity.

He kept his pace slow but hard and deep. He slowly pulled almost all the way out before ramming back in, causing you to let out small and high pitched moans into the kiss.

After a few more thrusts, you couldn't take it anymore and your orgasm was building.
You moaned and gripped one of his shoulders tight, digging your nails in. You kept the other hand in his hair, tugging on it as you gently bit into his bare shoulder.

He moaned into your ear, using one hand to steady himself against the wall and thrusted faster.

Your body began to shake and you started to clamp down, biting harder into his shoulder to stop yourself from moaning. He started to rock you into the wall and he could feel you squeezing his cock.

He quietly moaned and nipped at your neck.

You bit down harder, making him hiss against your skin as you started to cum and your body shook against him and the wall. Shinso pushed into you and stilled to let you ride out your orgasm.

After you stopped squeezing him, he started to thrust again and you took your teeth off his shoulder.
"Fuck... Hitoshi..."
You kissed and licked along the bite mark you made.

"Marked by you? That's hot kitty..."

He thrusted a bit harder than before and you had to quickly latch your teeth onto his neck to stop yourself from letting out a loud moan. You were even more sensitive so now his hard, fast and deep thrusts were already beginning to make your legs shake again.

He darkly chuckled against your neck.

You pulled on his hair and bit harder, making him hiss again and having to bite his own lip to stifle a moan. He moved his hand back to your ass so he could tightly hold you, and rocked you into the wall harder as he chased his own orgasm.

Your body started to twitch and you bit harder again as you released around his cock for a second time. He hissed at your bite and groaned, the feeling of you squeezing him again making his orgasm build faster.

Once you stopped twitching and lifted your head up, he crashed his lips onto yours right as his orgasm hit and he sunk deep into you. You moaned against his lips at the feeling of his twitching cock inside you, filling you up.

Even after he'd finished you both just stayed like that for a while, kissing in each other's grasp. That was until someone cleared their throat.

You both abruptly stopped, turning your heads to see Aizawa standing there. His arms were folded and his eyes were narrowed at you both. Shinso put you down and you readjusted your shorts as Shinso pulled his sweats back up.

"Shinso, clean yourself up. Y/N, come with me. We need to have a serious talk."
Aizawa turned and walked towards the back stairs.

"Oh boy..."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and Shinso laughed.

"Good luck."
He grinned before walking off.

You ran to catch up with Aizawa.
"Mr Aizawa can I at least get cleaned up and get some shoes?"

He said simply and kept walking.

"Have I done something wrong?"
You asked and he raised a brow at you, but stayed silent and kept walking until you both exited the dorms.
"Can I at least know where we're going Sir?"

"Somewhere where I can punish you without interruption."

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