🍋Chapter 20 - Aizawa Part 2🍋

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Your legs were hanging over the edge of the bed.

"Yes what?"
Used the scarf to tie your ankles to the bed posts and keep them spread apart.

"Y-yes... daddy..."

"Good girl."
He cooed again, picking up the belt to tie your wrists above your head.

You whimpered as he stood back and admired your exposed body tied to the bed. He removed his shirt and stroked his cock as his eyes trailed all over you.

"Look at you baby girl, your pussy is still dripping cum. How many guys have you had tonight?"

You didn't want to be a brat or fight him for dominance, you wanted to completely relinquish control and do whatever he said.

"Naughty girl."
He stood between your legs, rubbing his cock up and down your soaked slit.
"How sensitive are you, kitty cat?"
He asked as he dipped the tip of his cock inside before pulling back out, making you whimper again.

That wasn't a lie, thanks to Denki's electricity and Shinso making you cum twice you were extremely sensitive and didn't know how much you could handle.

He didn't say anything, just chuckled as he eased himself into you. You were sensitive and your hips bucked, Aizawa groaned as his cock slid into you.

Your head flung back and you moaned, your wrists pulling against the belt when he started to thrust.

He hooked your knees over his arms so he could thrust harder and faster with ease. With how fast and hard he was going it was not going to take you long to cum, especially with how sensitive you were.

He started to jackhammer you and high-pitched moans repeatedly left your throat. His cock was long and thick, perfectly gliding along your sensitive insides.

It didn't take much longer until you started to tighten around Aizawa, and he could feel it. So he slowed down, making you whimper and whine.

"No kitty cat, you don't get to cum until I say you can."
All you could do was whine in response.
"I told you..."
He bent down to kiss you, pushing himself deep.
"You're getting punished."

He pulled back and rolled his hips, making you whimper as he made sure you could feel every single inch of his cock. After a while of tormenting you by staying deep and rolling his hips, he started back up with the jackhammering.

Your back arched as he edged you closer and closer. You were panting as you pulled at your restraints, the agony of the orgasm denial making your entire body heat up.

"If you want to cum..."
He slammed deep inside and rolled his hips, chuckling at your whimpers and whines.
"All you have to do it beg for it."
He pulled all the way out then slammed back in.
"Naughty slut."

You could barely speak, your head was beginning to fog as you were becoming a panting and moaning mess beneath him.
"F-fuck... p-please..."
You stutter-moaned and begged quietly.

"Louder kitty cat."

You were trying to beg through your moans.
"Please let me cum!"

"Please what?"
He pulled all the way out and slammed back in again, and did it a few more times.

You felt like you were about to scream.
You whined again.
You nearly screamed and Aizawa stopped thrusting.
"Daddy please let me cum, please!"

"Now that's a good girl."
He cooed and slammed into you again.
"I give you permission, cum for daddy."

You screamed and moaned but no audible words came out of your mouth, your head flung back and your back arched as your orgasm washed over you like a tsunami. You also felt pressure and a release as some warm liquid dripped down you.

"What a good girl, cumming right when your daddy tells you to."
He never once slowed down and started chasing his own orgasm.

Your body was a writhing, twitching mess beneath him. Your entire body bucked against him, as his brutal pace was extending your orgasm.

"I'm gonna cum baby girl."
He moaned.
"Do you want Daddy's cum deep inside you?"


He slammed into you a few more times before pushing as deep as he could. You moaned at the feeling of his cock twitching inside and filling you up. He let your legs go and his hands slammed beside your head, he was cumming hard and you could already feel it starting to drip out of you.

He leaned down and kissed you gently, slowly pulling out of you as your body still bucked and twitched. You were still panting as he careful untied you from the bed.

"Let's get you cleaned up."
He kissed your forehead before hooking your legs over his arm and carrying you to the bathroom.

He carefully sat you down on the bathmat as he knelt beside you and ran a hot bath. You were both just there in silence, until the bath was full and he carefully lifted you in.

"Thank you."
You smiled and hummed contentedly as the hot water touched your body.

"Of course."
You saw a half-smile on his face as he climbed in the bath with you, slipping in behind you.
"How are you feeling?"
He asked as he wrapped his arms around you.

You sighed happily and leaned back against his chest.

"Good girl."
He kissed the back of your head and carefully washed you.

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